Monday, May 13, 2013

Will You Help Save a Child?

Victoria Cobb, President
Monday, May 13, 2013
Will You Help Save a Child?
Christian pastor and author David Platt said, “Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names.  They are easier to ignore before you see their faces.  It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms.  But once you do, everything changes…”
In Virginia, there are thousands of children in our foster care system that need permanent, loving homes with both a mom and a dad.  There are children born every day, born because a mom made the decision to not have an abortion, who need a family.  Because of these needs, Governor Bob McDonnell last week announced the “Virginia Adopts: Campaign for 1,000,” an initiative to match more than 1,000 children in foster care in Virginia with 1,000 adoptive families.  His announcement came during Foster Care Month in Virginia.
To promote the campaign, Governor McDonnell created a video message to encourage Virginians to participate in the Campaign for 1,000, saying, “Our goal now here in Virginia in 2013 is to find 1,000 adoptive families to match with these over 1,000 children.  If you’ve ever considered becoming a foster parent or adopting, or just want to learn more about our Campaign for 1,000, please visit www.VirginiaAdopts.Virginia.Gov.  Together, we can make a real difference for these thousand children and Virginia will be a better place. Thank you very much and please get involved.”
If you have ever thought about adoption or being a foster parent, don’t wait any longer.  Please consider taking part in this initiative.  If you are a pastor or ministry leader, please encourage families in your church to become foster care or adoptive parents. 
Those who support life have often been accused of not caring about the child after they are born, only before.  We know, of course, that such an accusation is a lie.  Thousands of families and churches have committed to adoption and foster care and help take care of children all over America and the world.  If you have yet to take that step, I encourage you today to prayerfully consider doing so.  Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children around the Commonwealth.
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