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So what is more valuable to you - protecting your right to keep and bear arms or the state getting small grants from the federal government?
Well, according to House Majority Leader, Delegate Kirk Cox of Colonial Heights, and a majority of Republicans and Democrats, the money is more important!
This all centers around Delegate Bob Marshall's pro-gun bill HB 2430, which would prohibit any state or local government employee from assisting the federal government with enforcement of any federal gun laws or Presidential Executive Orders made after 12/31/12.
Bottom line: if Congress passes, say, a ban on 30-round magazines, the federal government would have to enforce it completely on their own, with no help from any state or local government employee or agency. That would put a major damper on enforcement of any such law. It's really simple: if the feds pass an unconstitutional gun law, they get to enforce it all on their own.
Sounds good, right? Ah, but, the opponents, like Kirk Cox say, "What if the feds stop giving our law enforcement grant money and what if our police can't participate in federal task forces?"
Honestly, I could care less about grants and federal task forces. My freedom and yours is not for sale at any price. Period. And absolutely not for some stipend from Uncle Sam. That stipend, by the way, is our own money being handed back to us as a "favor."
Shamefully, Delegate Cox led the anti-gun fight to have HB 2430 sent to the House Appropriations Committee at this late date with the hopes of killing it. You know, "Gee, we wanted to hear that bill in Appropriations, but, darn, we just ran out of time!"
The choreography began with anti-gun Delegate Toscano, a Democrat, moving to outright kill the bill. A recorded vote on this motion was taken, giving those who wanted to kill the bill in a more stealthily manner cover by allowing their good vote to be seen. Here are those who cast an ANTI-GUN VOTE in favor of Toscano's motion to outright kill HB 2430:
Albo, BaCote, Brink, Bulova, Carr, Comstock, Dance, Filler-Corn, Herring, Hester, Hodges, Hope, Howell, A.T., James, Keam, Kory, Krupicka, Lewis, Lopez, McClellan, Morrissey, Plum, Scott, J.M., Sickles, Spruill, Surovell, Torian, Toscano, Tyler, Ward, Ware, O., Watts
Toscano's motion failed.
The next dance move was by Delegate Kirk Cox, who was so very concerned about losing some droppings from the federal teat, that he made a speech extolling the wonders of sending HB 2430 to the Appropriations committee. Delegate Putney then made the anti-gun motion to send HB 2430 off to the House Appropriations Committee (to die for lack of attention). Forget that the bill itself would actually save the state money by not having to pay our police for their time running around with the feds.
On this motion, and not by mistake, only a voice vote was taken, making it difficult to hold the delegates accountable for bad votes. Delegate Bob Marshall made a motion to get a recorded vote, but could not even garner the necessary 20 votes to do so! That means we have a bunch of bad votes and we need to hold those who made them accountable come election time THIS NOVEMBER.
To save HB 2430 and to hold those with anti-gun votes accountable, we need to take the following two steps:
We need to FLOOD the email boxes of the House Appropriations Committee with thousands of emails, NOW. We need to tell them to report HB 2430 out of the committee and back to the House Floor.
To send a pre-written email to all members of the committee in one-fell-swoop, click here and in a few seconds your email will be streaming to all the committee members!
We can find out if your Delegate voted anti-gun to send HB 2430 to Appropriations: you will ask him or her directly!
To send such an email to YOUR Delegate, simply click here:
** Once you get a response on how your Delegate voted, forward it to me so we can compile a list of those who voted against gun owners for use in the upcoming election. **
VCDL will assume that any Delegate who does not respond to such a direct question is admitting that he or she voted anti-gun on HB 2430.
You can also call your Delegate to find out how he or she voted. To find out who your Delegate is, click here and then click on the tab at the top of the screen labeled "Click for Bill Tracking, Meetings, Who's My Legislator?"
Let's roll!!!
VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
(VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization
dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to
Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.
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