Wednesday, January 25, 2012

VA-ALERT: Legislative Update! Action Items 1/25/12

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Today the Senate Courts of Justice Committee heard a bunch of gun bills and some important ones, like the repeal of One Handgun a Month and repeal of Fingerprinting for CHP applicants, passed out of committee. Unfortunately, a few bad bills passed out, too, and a few good bills were moved to next year:

SB 4, Senator Stuart, Castle Doctrine - Passed out of committee by 8 to 7!
SB 64, Senator Stanley, Castle Doctrine - Rolled into SB 4, above.
SB 67, Senator Stanley, removes option for localities to fingerprint first time CHP applicants - Passed out of committee by 8 to 6!
SB 224, Senator Herring, makes it easier to disarm someone for LIFE who is convicted of MISDEMEANOR domestic violence - Passed out of committee. We will have to kill this bill on the Floor.
SB 323, Senator Carrico, repeals One Handgun a Month - Passed out of committee by 8 to 6!
SB 324, Senator Carrico, state agency preemption - Carried over to next year
SB 379, Senator McEachin, makes private firearm sales illegal - passed by for the day.
SB 429, Senator Ruff, streamlines the Virginia form used for purchasing firearms - passed by for the day.
SB 554, Senator Favola, disarms someone with an emergency protection order without due process - Passed out of committee 9 to 6. We will have to kill this bill on the Floor.
SB 563, Senator Ruff, cleans up some minor issues in the concealed weapon code - Passed by for the day.
SB 612, Senator Black, moves long gun to the federal NICS system from the Virginia Instant Check system to improve the amount of time needed to run background checks - Carried over to next year.
SB 648, Senator McEachin, adds yet another penalty to a gun owner who is in possession of a gun while intoxicated - passed by for the day
SB 670, Senator Garrett, removes option for localities to fingerprint first time CHP applicants - Rolled into HB 67, above


Tomorrow, Thursday, January 26, at 5 PM in the 4th Floor West Conference Room in the General Assembly, the House Militia, Police, and Public Safety subcommittee #1 is going to hear several gun bills and I will be there to speak on them. If you can make it to the committee hearing to show support (and put on a "Guns Save Lives" sticker), that would be great!

HB 20, Delegate Wilt, protects the right of citizens to carry and transport firearms during a declared emergency (VCDL Strongly Supports)
HB 22, Delegate Cole, requires localities to try to sell guns they are in possession of instead of just destroying them (VCDL Strongly Supports)
HB 26, Delegate Cole, provides a $25 civil fine for failure to produce a CHP if demanded by a law enforcement officer (VCDL Strongly Supports)
HB 364, Delegate McClellan, perennial "gun show loophole" bill (VCDL Strongly Opposes)
HB 375, Delegate Pogge, allows local government employees to be able to store their guns in their personal vehicles while at work (VCDL Strongly Supports)
HB 458, Delegate BaCote, allows localities to ban guns in libraries (VCDL Strongly Opposes)
HB 940, Delegate Lingamfelter, repeals Virginia's One Handgun a Month law (VCDL Strongly Supports)


Here are a bunch of automatic emails that you need to send ASAP in support of key bills that are on the move. Click on the link below each bill to send a message (that you can customize if you wish) to your Delegate. The system figures out who your legislator is based on your address and zip code.


Support for pro-gun bills (above), HB 20, HB 22, HB 26, HB 940:


Support for pro-gun bill to allow employees of localities to store guns in their private vehicles while at work:


Opposition to anti-gun bills (above), HB 364 and HB 458:

VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
(VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization
dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to
Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

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