Friday, January 13, 2012

Alexandria Tea Party: Get involved in local politics/party: training tomorrow

alexandria tea party
Greetings. Tomorrow the Northern Virginia Tea Party is sponsoring all day training on how to get involved with the GOP. This is very important. We need to do more than campaign for representatives! We need to help select those candidates. We need to take the tea party vision and "fire in the belly" and really put it to work. We all know that it is not enough to vote for any republican. We are too informed now and realize that we need principled people to lead and make the decisions to return America to greatness. Tomorrow morning I will take part in the initial training to be a part of this effort. I hope that you might be able to come,even if only for a few hours. There are different training sessions and also a luncheon tomorrow, in which Jon Moseley, tea party activist and lawyer, will update everyone on the status of the Perry lawsuit to get on the Virginia ballot.
The event is in Springfield. Please see below for all the details, and thank you!
Alexandria Tea Party.
 The Road to 2012 - Grass Roots Training Part II
Sat. January 14, 2014
9am to 4pm

Session 1 - 9am to 11:30am
The GOP Reorganization Process - Making a Difference... for years to come.
Presenter: David Ray 11th Dist. Representative RPV Central Committee.

Break for Lunch at Milono's
Leadership Strategy and Planning Luncheon $15 per person.
11:45pm to 1pm $15 At Milano's Restaurant in Springfield.
Special Eye witness Briefing on Ballot Access case by Virginia Attorney Jon Moseley. This event is hosted by US Senate Candidate David McCormick. Please RSVP at the link below.

Session 2 - 1pm to 1:45pm
The legislative Freedom Agenda of Virginia Tea Party Patriots.
With special presentation by Experts.

New material, specially selected presenters with expertise on the Freedom Agenda legislation discussed, including Former Speaker of the House of Delegates Vance Wilkins who will address the Castle Doctrine legislation and the illegal immigration legislation introduced this session of the General Assembly.
Topics include: Property Rights,
Agenda 21/Sustainable Development HB 1721, Eminent Domain  - HJ 3 Constitutional amendment,  Northern Virginia Traffic Congestion Reduction bill by Del. Jim Lemunyon and more.
Please note that Delegates and Senators are not expected at this meeting because of their heavy schedule in Richmond.

Session 3 - 2pm-4pm - Citizen Empowerment Seminar
(This is not just for people going to Lobby Day in Richmond)
Preparing for Lobby Day 2012 - How to be an Effective Citizen Lobbyist.  How you can help get the Freedom Agenda of the Virginia Federation enacted into law.
(Lobby Day  is Monday, January 16, 2012 - SAVE the DAY!)

Details and Speakers To Be Announced.

RSVP Here 


West Springfield Government Center
Community Room
6140 Rolling Road

Springfield, VA 22152

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