Thursday, January 26, 2012

How you can help Gary Johnson - Convention Details

Virginia and National LP Conventions

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Good morning! Hope everyone's week is going well.  We had a great Virginia Volunteers call on Monday evening - thanks to everyone who joined us! We got to talking about the upcoming conventions and I thought it might be helpful to send y'all a quick note with some convention details..


Virginia Convention

The Libertarian Party of Virginia's State Convention will be held one month from today, February 25. The location is the Richmond Marriott (address: 500 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219).  Save the date! It's going to be fun; LPVA members will conduct business, there will be speakers, a lunch, a recent-candidates' panel - a lot of fun activities.

At the LPVA convention, LPVA members will elect our state's delegates to the national convention. If you would like to be a delegate to the national convention so you can support Gary, the best way to become a delegate is attend the LPVA convention. Let me or Juanita ( know if you're interested so we can coordinate - maybe we'll wear buttons or something  :)

The LPVA will have a hospitality suite the evening before (Friday 2/24) for people to socialize. If you plan to stay at the hotel, a block of rooms will be reserved. The group code for this is forthcoming once some details are worked out.


National Convention

This year, the national Libertarian Party is having its convention in Las Vegas, NV from May 2-6. At the national convention, delegates will vote who will be the Libertarian Party Presidential and Vice Presidential nominee. Do you want Gary Johnson to be the LP nominee? Then COME TO VEGAS!

Aside from voting on the P/VP nominees, convention-goers will have many fun opportunities: participate in workshops, watch the presidential candidate debate, vote on the next Libertarian National Committee members, hear speakers, vote on bylaws changes.. and you know, generally be in Vegas.

Details can be found at the national Libertarian Party site.  A group rate code has already been posted here, so use this to get your room for only $119 per night (the ammenities fee will not be included on your final bill).


One last thing..

Have you joined the LP yet? Today's a good day to do it!  Head over to the LPVA contribution site, and on the second page you'll be able to join the national or state parties ($25 each) - if you can, join both. The LP offers a great "bang for your buck"!


Talk to yall next Monday..

-Laura & Juanita
Virginia Co-Directors
Gary Johnson for President 2012

Monday Volunteers Conference Call

If you want to get more involved in the campagin activities in Virginia (fundraising, petitioning, canvassing, anything), please join us! Email Juanita or Laura for more information, or dial into our weekly conference call:
Every Monday @ 8pm (EST)
Dial-in Number: (559) 546-1000
Access Code: 277362#

Live Town Hall On-line with Gary Johnson & Co-host Wayne Allyn Root

Governor Johnson will be hosting an on-line Town Hall beginning at 6PM MST/ 8PM EST. Special guest will be Wayne Allyn Root, one of the most dynamic, charismatic, colorful, passionate, fiery, and outspoken Libertarian-conservative political personalities in America today.

When: Monday 1/30/2012, at 8:00pm EST


Online Resources

• Libertarian Party Links
National Libertarian Party
Libertarian Party of Virginia

• Va Volunteer/Interested party sign-up page - pass this on to your friends!:

• Facebook
Virginians for Gary Johnson
Official Campaign GJ Page

• Meetup
Virginia for Gary Johnson

DONATE to the Gary Johnson Campaign.

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