Thursday, January 26, 2012

UN Agenda21/Sustainable Development Grants

Dear Guardians of Liberty, including Property Rights,
The following information from the Planners Network, and the EPA will enable you to clearly see the connection of UN AG21/Sustainable Development and Comprehensive Planning. All doubt and misunderstanding can be eliminated if you take a moment to read their own brochure. The page no. is listed as 45157, so don't be confused by my reference as pg. 2. Please read "Purpose" also. Note the mention of public and private initiatives.
Please honor your oath to protect the citizens from any form of government tyranny. The UN has co-opted the idea of community planning, previously  practiced at the local level by citizens and their elected leaders, to ensure they meet their goals to control land use in America, control human behavior, and destroy capitalism. Note how they plan to do this by ever increasing land regulations, PPP where government picks the winners and losers in a "free market", the human behavior aspect is obvious and recall whoever "owns" the water supply, controls you.  HRSD is a government entity! We want to keep our wells and septic, without meters!
Gaston County, NC passed a resolution to resign from all connections, PDCs,  to UN AG21 Grant Monies in an attempt to stop the socialism invasion in their county.
I humbly suggest it is imperative to resign from the MPPDC, regional government EPA grant managers, to stop the EPA and it's socialist policies affecting our property rights. How much more federal government will we tolerate in our community?

My sincere thanks to Donna Holt, VA Campaign for Liberty, for providing these important links enabling us to shed light on darkness.
Tricia, Concerned Citizens of the Middle Peninsula

Planners network - Statement of Principles -

EPA Commitment to Agenda 21 - Page 2 right column, 1st paragraph-


EPA intends these competitive grants
to be catalysts that challenge
communities to invest in a more
sustainable future, recognizing that
sustainable environmental quality,
economic prosperity, and community
responsibility shared by environmental,
community and economic interests at
all levels of government and the private
sector. This emphasis on strong
community involvement requires a
commitment to ensuring that all
residents of a community, of varying
economic and social groups, have
opportunities to participate in decision-
making and benefit from successful
sustainable development activities.
Only through the combined efforts and
collaboration of governments, private
organizations and individuals can our
communities, regions, states, and nation
achieve the benefits of sustainable
development. In keeping with this
philosophy, the EPA will implement
this program consistent with the
principles of Executive Order 12898,
''Federal Actions to Address
Environmental Justice in Minority
Populations and Low-Income
Populations' (February 11, 1994).
 The Sustainable Development Challenge Grant program
is also a step in implementing ''Agenda
21, the Global Plan of Action on
Sustainable Development,'' signed by
the United States at the Earth Summit
in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. All of these
programs require broad community
participation to identify and address
environmental issues.

Through the Sustainable Development
Challenge Grant program, EPA also
intends to further the vision and goals
of the President's Council on
Sustainable Development (PCSD),
created in 1993 by President Clinton.
EPA is coordinating existing urban
environmental programs within the
Agency and with other federal, state and
local agencies.
The President charged
the Council, composed of corporate,
government, and non-profit
representatives, to find ways to ''bring
people together to meet the needs of the
present without jeopardizing the

Tricia Stall
Distinction between conservation and environmentalism: The first means taking care to use natural resources without ruining them for the next person. The second says that mankind has no rights and suggests that any use of any natural resource causes damage. We must STOP AGENDA 21!

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