Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gary Johnson 2012/Volunteer Status

Greetings, All!
    This note is to inquire as to your continued availability to help Governor Johnson secure nomination by the Libertarian Party and placement on the Virginia presidential ballot.  Much good work has already been done to coordinate with the Virginia LP organization, and we anticipate guidance and clarification of many particulars at the meeting of the VA state central committee this weekend in Charlottesville.
    Each of you were previously identified as Virginia's "Tidewater" outreach group; however, it is now imperative that we identify our resources by Congressional district, re-districting notwithstanding.  The Virginia volunteer organization has been asked to identify a "Congressional district lead" for each of the 11 districts, and we are beginning to identify fund-raising and other opportunities that may exist throughout the state which will require local coordination.
    That said, I would very much appreciate your responding to this email to advise (1) whether or not you are still available to assist our efforts and, if so, (2) your address, phone number and current Congressional district.  Because "Northern Virginia," "Tidewater" and "Southwest VA" designations are comprised of numerous jurisdictions, your address will assist us as we organize local mailing lists, fund-raising event schedules and logistics.  Also, if you are willing to serve as lead for your Congressional district, please let me know.
    Accepting this role will mean that you will be responsible for receipt of campaign media (flyers, yard signs, etc.) for distribution within your local (district) team,  communicating with your district team regarding local events and canvassing, reporting any ideas or opportunities for fund-raising, organizing petition circulation and coordinating other "branding" efforts.  (We are currently working a post card mailing effort to target voters who are not plugged into electronic media.)
    Additionally, the Virginia volunteer organization is seeking interested persons to serve as delegates to the national LP convention scheduled May 2-6, 2012, in Las Vegas.  If you have interest in serving in this capacity, let me know that as well.  To serve as a delegate, my understanding is that you must be a member of both the national Party and Virginia party organization.  (Membership is $25 for each group; you can join both via the Virginia LP Web site:  The state convention is scheduled in Richmond on Saturday, February 25.
    I have heard from many of you already, but it is essential that all information is complete and up to date as we dot our "i"s and cross our "t"s to make sure that nothing prohibits Virginia from doing its level best to elect Gary Johnson as president in 2012.  I look forward to hearing from each of you at your earliest convenience either by email reply or telephone.
    With your help, liberty stands a fighting chance.


Juanita Walton Billings
Co-Director, Virginia State Team
Volunteers Coordination
Join us:  Volunteer

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