Thursday, February 13, 2014

Robert, You Haven't Signed this Petition



In 2013, we heard reports that the NSA is spying on millions of Americans without a warrant. According to Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, and Fox News, things like the NSA’s PRISM program read your email information, tracked your phone records, and perhaps monitored your location.

And that’s why I’m proud to tell you this morning that Rand Paul, Ken Cuccinelli, and I are filing a lawsuit against the Obama Administration. We’re suing the NSA. And if we have to, we’ll take it all the way to the Supreme Court.


This is a big fight, and if we’re going to win I want to make sure I have your support!

Lend your voice to our efforts right now and build a groundswell for this lawsuit.

Please, sign the petition and tell us that you support our NSA Lawsuit.

We must stand up for our rights now – tomorrow may be too late.

In Liberty,

Matt Kibbe Signature

Matt Kibbe
President and CEO, FreedomWorks

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