Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Governor Kaine Misrepresents Personhood Bill

FOR RELEASE: On Receipt (December 7, 2011) 
CONTACT:  Del Bob Marshall, (703) 853-4213 

Kaine 'Is Very Confused'
DEL. MARSHALL SAYS Tim Kaine Misrepresents HIS Personhood Bill
'We already have enough people in Washington who vote on bills without ever reading them.'
Del. Bob Marshall tonight (Wednesday, Dec. 7) accused Tim Kaine, the Democrats' presumptive 2012 candidate for the U.S. Senate, of mounting a "skewed attack on my personhood bill" in tonight's early-bird Senate debate in Richmond.
"After seeing Tim Kaine's skewed attack on my personhood bill (HB1), it is obvious he is very confused," Marshall (R., 13th District) said.
"First of all, we tell third graders in Virginia's public schools that human life begins at fertilization or conception.  Scientists have definitively known when human life begins since at least the 1830's.  Why not Tim Kaine?
"Tim Kaine, a Harvard-educated attorney, claims that my personhood bill, HB 1, will outlaw birth control. 
The U.S. Supreme Court disagrees with Tim Kaine, because it upheld almost identical language in a Missouri statute from the 1980's, 25 years ago, in the Webster v. Missouri case.
"None of the parade of horribles predicted today by Tim Kaine occurred when abortion was illegal, such as homicide prosecutions for women who abort their children or making miscarriages manslaughter.  My measure passed the House of Delegates earlier this year, 62-36.  Virginia's entire press corps apparently slept through the legal earthquake Tim Kaine predicted would follow passage of my bill most likely because his claims are not true.
"My personhood bill creates a civil cause of action for the wrongful death of an unborn child.  This cause of action already exists in the majority of states and is a natural complement to Virginia's fetal homicide law.
"Does Tim Kaine object to providing a legal remedy for parents whose beloved unborn baby is killed by the negligent or criminal act of a third party?  Does anyone other than Tim Kaine really think that is a bad idea? 
"Tim Kaine wants to serve in the US Senate.  But if he refuses to understand the meaning of a simple seven line bill, what would he do in Washington as a Senator with bills longer than a single page?  We already have enough people in Washington who vote on bills without ever reading them."
Marshall's HB1, prefiled for the Virginia General Assembly's 2012 session and co-patroned by State Sen. Charles Colgan (D., 29th District), is summarized by the General Assembly's Legislative Information Service as follows:
"Rights of unborn children.  Provides that unborn children at every stage of development enjoy all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of the Commonwealth, subject only to the laws and constitutions of Virginia and the United States, precedents of the United States Supreme Court, and provisions to the contrary in the statutes of the Commonwealth."
Contact Information:
703-361-5416 (office and fax)
703-853-4213 (cell) (preferred)
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 421
Manassas, VA 20108

Paid for and Authroized by Friends of Bob Marshall

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