Thursday, March 21, 2013

PTP Wire | Peninsula Tea Party Vetting

Issue: # 2013 - 26
 Mar / 2013
In This Issue
Republican Pre-File Forms
March & April Events
Any Questions
Conservatives, Concerned Citizens ad Tea Party Patriots,
We Need Your Help!
The Peninsula Tea Party, the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation, and the Middle Resolution are conducting an in-depth vetting process in which all Virginia Lt. Governor and Attorney General Candidates have agreed to participate. This process will include in-person interviews (in which you can participate) as well as in-depth questionnaires which have already been answered by each candidate. Chris Doss of the Leadership Institute will conduct the in-person live interviews which will include the same questions for each candidate.The candidates will not have seen the questions in advance and we will score the candidates answers during the live interviews.


In years past, when we have had several good candidates we have split our vote among them which often resulted in the least conservative candidate receiving the nomination.We have determined that at this time the Republican Party is the party most likely to produce and elect a conservative candidate to office. This vetting and scoring process is designed to help us coalesce around a single candidate for each office and avoid the split of the conservative vote. In addition, we would like to have a show of force to convince our elected representatives that the conservative movement is active and a force to be reckoned with in their elections and in the legislation they will be introducing and voting upon. This should increase our influence on the legislation and on their votes in the future.


We are asking for your help in two major areas. First, we need as many conservatives as possible to sign up as Delegates to the Republican Party of Virginia Convention. Second, we need you to attend the Convention on May 18 in Richmond and vote for the most electable and conservative candidate, hopefully the one our vetting process determines to be that candidate.


The Peninsula Tea Party is allowed up to ten people to participate in the scoring of each candidate during the live interviews. The scoring will be done at the time of the live interviews and will take place in Mechanicsville (northeast of Richmond) on Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27. (It would be best if the same person could score on both days but we can have different people on either day.) Please let us know if you would like to represent the Peninsula Tea Party and participate in the scoring process.  


NOTE: Please be advised that we only have 10 slots for this convention.

Republican Pre-File Forms
The first and most important step is to secure the Delegate Pre-file Form for your City or County, fill it out, and submit it before the deadline to your local Republican Committee as specified on the form. (In most cases the Mass Meeting indicated will be canceled and becoming a Delegate will be nearly automatic for those properly filing the Pre-file Form.) Please let us at the Peninsula Tea Party know when you submit your Pre-file Form. We will keep you informed as o the vetting process and results, as well as information about the Convention. All Pre-file Forms can be found at
under the Calls tab, or at the following links:
York County Form: deadline March 21
Poquoson Form: deadline March 27
Hampton Pre-Fill Form: deadline April 8
Newport News Form: deadline April 6
March Events


Our Sacred Honor 

Sun, Mar 24 @ 3pm - 5pm


Youth House at Denbigh Baptist Church

13010 Mitchell Point Road

Newport News, VA  23602


RSVP by Mar 22: Timothy & Shirley



April Events 


Peninsula Tea Party

General Meeting




Virginia Tea Party Federation

Tea Party Vetting

Apr 26 and Apr 27


Mechanicsville, VA


Republican Party

Virginia Republican Conventon

 May 18


Richmond, VA


Questions or Recommendations


If you have any questions or would like to make recommendations, feel free to contact me at (757) 869-8319 or email


Brian Evans

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Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608

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