Thursday, March 14, 2013

Update from the Alexandria Tea Party

alexandria tea party

 In this Update:


Heritage Panel 3/20 Effect of Junk Science on Public Policy

Jamie Radtke Ad Warns Iowa About Gov. McDonnell

Ambassador John Bolton Lecture Online 


New on ATP Web 



HeritageHeritage Panel 3/20 Effect of Junk Science on Public Policy  


30 Years of Junk Science: SDI to Hydraulic Fracturing


Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.

The Heritage Foundation's Allison Auditorium  




Matthew Sheffield

Executive Editor,, Media Research Center


Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute for Policy Research


Karen Moreau

Executive Director, NYS Petroleum Council, and President, Foundation for Land and Liberty


Kevin Mooney

Investigate Reporter, Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity (Moderator)


Hosted by:


Becky Norton Dunlop

Vice President, External Relations, The Heritage Foundation


On March 23, 1983, President Reagan called upon the scientific community to render nuclear weapons "impotent and obsolete." His Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) proposal looked to the very strengths of American ingenuity and technology that had achieved the unthinkable so many times before. Naysayers - from credentialed professionals to media darlings to political hacks - spared no quarter in their ridicule and belittling attacks. Time and again, junk science has been cited in an attempt to discredit, refute or condemn visionary ideas and processes. Join us as for an eye-opening review of the long trail of scare tactics and hyperbole so readily relied upon by the Left to push mere personal, special interest, or partisan agendas when opposing progress.    


Reception followed by Panel Discussion


RSVP online | or call (202) 675-1752

Terms and conditions of attendance are posted at 

All events may be viewed live at 



JamieJamie Radtke Ad Warns Iowa About Gov. McDonnell

From Jamie Radtke, 2012 candidate for US Senate:


Here is a commercial that I put together with my friend, Joe Glover. We had the idea, wrote the script, raised the money, and had it made. You will recognize the voice in the commercial. :)

When you see it, you will understand the concept. I approached the PatriotSuperPAC that is located here in Virginia with the product to see if they would partner with me, and they loved the idea.

... the news is already starting to go viral. It was just posted on WaPo, Yahoo, Virginia Pilot and BuzzFeed (which gets 60 million hits a month).

I'd like to raise more money so we can do more than we already have planned. Let's really teach the Establishment GOP a lesson here in Virginia. We need to seize the moment. We haven't had an opportunity like this in a long time.  I need your help to make this happen. The more money we raise, the more TV buys I can make in Iowa, Virginia, NH, SC, etc! Here is the link for people to donate to the cause. Would love your help!  



BoltonAmbassador John Bolton Lecture Online

The video of Ambassador John Bolton's February 26th speech to the Ronald Reagan Lecture Series is available free-of-charge online.  Bolton spoke on "The Threats to American Stability and Security" -


WebNew on ATP Web 


Video: The Folly of State Capitalism - Because of top-down directives, entire "ghost cities" have been and continue to be built in China consisting of empty freeways, empty office towers, empty shopping malls, and empty condo and apartment blocs, all stretching for miles and miles and miles in Potemkin fashion - and no people!


Video: Message of Hope from Australia - America is still the critically necessary leader of the free world, in this Aussie's view.


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