Monday, March 18, 2013

Pro-gun Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor would like to meet to your chapter members

Mr. Alexander,

I am writing to ask if your Tea Party Chapter would be interested in having E.W. Jackson, Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor, come speak or simply meet with your chapter? He is a U.S. Marine Corps vet and a staunch gun rights advocate. He has appeared on the O'Reilly Factor and CNN because of his unabashed conservative comments. He is seeking voters to support him in the May 18th Delegate convention for Lieutenant Governor.  

Many conservative members have heard his message and support him. I think he would be of interest to your members. For more information about Candidate Jackson please visit

E.W. Jackson for Lieutenant Governor 

I am in contact with Mr. Jackson's campaign manager. If this is of interest to your chapter, please contact me and I will connect you with his staff. 

Thank You,

Will G.

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