Wednesday, January 28, 2015

ACTION ALERT: SUPPORT SB1442 - Call / Email Senator Watkins

The CoLA Team, VA Tea Party Patriots Federation
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Stop a Backdoor Energy Tax!

Contact the VA Senate Today
CoLA Committee PRIORITY bill
"One of the most important bills of the year"
EPA  "Clean Power Plan" is
..."if approved, is likely to increase substantially the bills and rates Virginians pay for their electricity, and could impact significantly the reliability of the electrical service they receive".

-Comments of the Staff of the Virginia State Corporation Commission
 SB 1442 protects Virginians by putting the General Assembly between us and EPA

  • The General Assembly has to approve ANY plan submitted to the EPA by Governor McAuliffe.
  • It stops all spending by DEQ until the multiple lawsuits against the EPA are resolved.
  • It requires the SCC staff, NOT DEQ, to do a complete analysis of the costs and impacts

Call the Committee Members
Ask them to vote YES - SB1442
Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources

MEMBERSHIP – (Click name for contact info)
Hanger (Chairman), Watkins, Ruff, Obenshain, McEachin, Petersen, Stuart, Marsden, Stanley, Black, iller, Ebbin, Lewis, Chafin, Dance

We need a crowd at the committee meeting. Please make every effort to attend!
MEETS: Thursday January 29, 1/2 hour after adjournment [1:30 ish], Senate Room B
Please forward, Facebook and Twitter.

VA State Corporate Commission Staff comments:
EPA  "Clean Power Plan"
On October 14, 2014 the General Counsel of the State Corporation Commission submitted "Comments of the Staff of the Virginia State Corporation Commission on the Proposed Clean Power Plan" to Gina McCarthy, Administrator, EPA that identified a number of serious issues with the proposal and concluded "if approved, is likely to increase substantially the bills and rates Virginians pay for their electricity, and could impact significantly the reliability of the electrical service they receive". 
This excellent work by the SCC staff demonstrates why it, not the Department of Environmental Quality, must continue to play the lead role in evaluating the EPA proposal for the entire state and all power suppliers.
According to the SCC staff the proposed EPA regulation presents many cost, reliability, and legal concerns:
Using conservative assumptions, the incremental cost of compliance for one utility alone (Dominion Virginia Power) would likely be between $5.5 and $6.0 billion on a net present value basis increasing the cost of providing electric service, which must be paid for by all electricity consumers, including residents, schools, hospitals, businesses, military bases and state and local government in Virginia;
- In addition to new investment, Virginia electricity consumers will also
have to pay billions of dollars in remaining "stranded" costs for useful existing facilities forced to retire prematurely including recent investments in existing coal-fired facilities, constructed to comply with recent EPA consent decrees, in both Virginia and West Virginia;
- The emission rate that EPA proposes for Virginia will require the
retirement of a significant amount of dispatchable fossil-fuel generation in a timeframe that raises alarming regional reliability concerns. EPA's modeling shows 2,851 megawatts of dependable fossil-fuel generation in Virginia being retired and replaced, before 2020, with 351 megawatts of intermittent non-dispatchable onshore wind;
- Additional near-term generator retirements caused by the proposed
regulation will compound existing, unresolved electric reliability concerns in the
- The proposed regulation imposes substantially more stringent emission requirements for affected, existing generating units in Virginia than the standard for new units, yet to be built;
-The proposed regulation fails to recognize Virginia's significant investment in and utilization of nuclear generation and, in fact, effectively penalizes Virginia for this zero-carbon generation;
- The proposed regulation incorporates generic and unsupported expectations of levels of renewable non-dispatchable generation and energy efficiency that, when applied to Virginia, are extremely ambitious, almost certainly unachievable, and uneconomic under traditional standards; and
Virginia would have little, if any, input regarding the compliance obligations for a substantial amount of out-of-state generation currently used to maintain reliable electric service at just and reasonable rates for Virginia consumers.

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