Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fwd: No May Meeting

Since George Allen is coming here thursday, does anyone want to bring Marshall signs and walk / signwave for him at this gathering? I have a few, had already posted a lot of them at the field near this gathering's location (see below). SOmeone removed the two large Marshall signs I had posted there before the May 1 elections and I still have not found the signs yet.

George called our RP state campaign director to "chat", says he wants to get together with him after the primary (June 12). If you can make calls for Bob, let me know so I can get some lists emailed to you. I know some of us already have calling lists.


Cary Nunnally 757 591 8479  cell 757 358 8472
"But a Constitution of government, once changed from freedom, can never be restored.  Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."   --John Adams July 17, 1775

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Juanita Bailey" <gop.bailey@cox.net>
Subject: No May Meeting
Date: May 3, 2012 10:07:48 PM EDT
To: "Amy Memmen" <amemmen@live.com>, "Anne Williams" <alwilliams1@cox.net>, "B.J. Yates" <cyber_tigress@yahoo.com>, "Bethany Martin" <martin.bethany@gmail.com>, "Betsy Raper" <betsyraper@cox.net>, "Betty & Don Brantley" <bettydonb@aol.com>, "Betty Dixon" <vote4betty2006@yahoo.com>, "Betty Tanner" <betty4jc@verizon.net>, "Bill & Beverly Haskins" <bhaskins5@cox.net>, "Bill Newton" <williamnewton1@verizon.net>, "Billie Ballard" <bkballard@verizon.net>, "Bob Zins " <bobzins@aol.com>, "Bobbi Green" <greenbc2@gmail.com>, "Brenda Wrightington" <swrighting@aol.com>, "Carl & Demaris Anderson" <hydro4u@aol.com>, "Carolyn Delaney" <carolctdd@aol.com>, "Cary Nunnally" <detlow@cox.net>, "Cathy Hamm" <brent.hamm@hotmail.com>, "Chad Green" <wcglaw@hotmail.com>, "Charlie Tucker" <crtsr@sbcglobal.net>, "Christine & Jack Gergely" <gergely@visi.net>, "Chuck Smith" <chucksmith@eusa.hrcoxmail.com>, "Chuck Young" <chairman@newportnewsgop.org>, "Cliff Dunn" <wcdunn@widomaker.com>, "Cory Newell" <cnewell@commonwealthext.com>, <corywnewell@gmail.com>, "Dan Curran" <danielcurran1959@yahoo.com>, "Dan Simmons" <sims.jr@verizon.net>, "Debbie Wagner" <djcwagner@gmail.com>, "Debbie Webb" <dwebb@fbcnn.org>, "Deborah Wells" <deborah_wells@us.aflac.com>, "Deborah Wells" <deborah.wells@cox.net>, "Debra Belcher" <belcherdebra@gmail.com>, "Debra Belcher" <debra@brendapogge.com>, "Dee Smith" <oldcarfamily2@verizon.net>, "Delegate Rob Bell" <Robbellgop@aol.com>, <dmanddm51wed@juno.com>, "Dolly" <dctok37@aol.com>, "Dotty Batchalet" <Msdottyb@aol.com>, <emeiv@verizon.net>, "Eric Harris" <harrisehsc11@gmail.com>, "Erika Fischer" <erika@bobmcdonnell.com>, "Eula Davis" <edavis73@cox.net>, "Florene Nealy" <fcnealy@cox.net>, "Fran Ennis" <dalahi@aol.com>, "Gale & Yvonne Bush" <gbush4@verizon.net>, "Gary Little" <gwlittle2001@yahoo.com>, "Gene and Mary Balthaser" <angus34@cox.net>, "Gennifer Johnson" <genniferljohnson@yahoo.com>, "Glenn Oder" <glennoder@gmail.com>, "Hazel Call" <callshouse1@yahoo.com>, <hnwoessner@aol.com>, "Hon. Bert Bateman" <bertbate@aol.com>, "Hon. Brenda Pogge" <brenda@brendapogge.com>, "Hon. Brenda Poggee-House" <delbpogge@house.state.va.us>, "Hon. Chris Stuart" <cstuart@topguardinc.com>, "Hon. Madeline McMillan" <mcmillan24@verizon.net>, "Hon. Rob Bell" <rob@delegaterobbell.com>, "Hon. Sheila Noll" <sheilanoll@cox.net>, "Hon. Sheila Noll" <cnoll3@cox.net>, "Iris Slater" <hes_ies@yahoo.com>, "James Hicks" <james@hicksathome.com>, "James Jones" <weldmech56@cox.net>, "Jan & Al Hauser" <awphjfh@gmail.com>, "Jane Ladd" <jsladd1@gmail.com>, "Jean Darnell" <jdarnell8@cox.net>, "Jennifer Lee" <jennifer.lee@usoncology.com>, "Jenny Mundy" <eljmundy@aol.com>, "Jesica Turner" <jturner687@gmail.com>, "Jim Greer" <greerjn@aol.com>, "Jim Pharr" <jjimpharr@aol.com>, <jinjerita@comcast.net>, "Joe Schumacher" <Joe.Schumacher@mail.house.gov>, "John Moore" <moorescove@gmail.com>, <johnhager1@comcast.net>, <johnmc10@verizon.net>, "Juanita Bailey" <gop.bailey@cox.net>, "Julie Thro" <jthro@cox.net>, "Karen McLean" <ddzy769@yahoo.com>, "Kaye & Phil Bomersheim" <pkbomer38@aol.com>, "Kendall Rhodes" <karhodes@cox.net>, "L.T. Vaughan" <snugharbor@wans.net>, "Lena Stone" <lstone7@cox.net>, <Lindsay.Bomar@georgeallen.com>, "Lou Call" <loucall@hotmail.com>, "Marian Clayton" <brymern@cox.net>, "Marianne Raymond" <marianneat111@aol.com>, "Marianne Sherman" <msherman@oldpoint.com>, "Mary Clark" <aandmclark@cox.net>, "Mary Ellen O'Neil" <maryellenoneill78@yahoo.com>, "Mary Swain" <mswain1899@aol.com>, "Miki Miller" <msqurd2@aol.com>, <MortonBlackwell@limail.us>, "Mr. David Yancey" <deyancey@cox.net>, <mramey3@cox.net>, <nailman37@cox.net>, "Neal McInnis, Jr." <ineillmcinnisjr@cox.net>, "Ouida Yates" <ouida_e_mail@yahoo.com>, "Pam Clark" <huntspoint@cox.net>, <pamelabrown4@cox.net>, "Pat Coile" <coile@cox.net>, "Peyton White" <pawhite@juno.com>, "Priscilla Stam" <jimstam@msn.com>, <raina.guffey@gmail.com>, "Rex Frey" <huskerrex@verizon.net>, "Rob Jones" <rbjones12@cox.net>, "Robert Heffley" <rheffley@cox.net>, "Ross Snare" <rwsnare@gmail.com>, <sagnu5@yahoo.com>, "Sandy Hovis" <sc.hovis@yahoo.com>, <sharonhrose@hotmail.com>, "Shelby Daniel" <shelbysjd@yahoo.com>, <sjmolino823@cox.net>, "Solon Paul" <solon@verizon.net>, "Susan McInnis" <sgmcinnis@cox.net>, "Susan Yungbluth" <Jyungbluth@cox.net>, <swklute@verizon.net>, <tolbtbobdot@verizon.net>, "Tom Harmon" <harmon43@verizon.net>, "Tranbarger, Terry L." <Terry_Tranbarger@bshsi.org>, "Vicki Sanders" <vsanders@opfp.net>, "Yvonne McCoy" <mccoyyvonne@msn.com>

Good Evening Positive Republicans,
There will be no May Positive Republican Meeting because a special guest is coming to Newport News the day of our meeting.  Next Thursday, May 10th  Governor George Allen will be attending a Dutch Treat Luncheon at Smoke Barbeque Restaurant in Newport News.  Smoke is in the building that Bill's Seafood on Warwick was located.  The address is 10900 Warwick Blvd.  It will start at 12:00 noon.  If you plan to attend, please let me know.  You can respond to this e-mail or call me at (757) 875-1498. 
I hope to see you there.

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