ALERT OBAMA SUPPORTED UNITED NATIONS LAW OF THE SEA TREATY GOES TO SENATE FOR FINAL VOTE The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) places the UN in control over 70% of the earth’s surface and resources. LOST will move the global Elite miles ahead toward their goal of global governance. LOST encompasses “all ocean space, with all its uses, including navigation and overflight; all uses of its resources, living and non-living, on the high seas, on the ocean floor and beneath, on the continental shelf and in the territorial seas…. The Convention is widely recognized by the international community as the legal framework within which all activities in the oceans and the seas must be carried out.” LOST will utilize technology and wealth transfers and requires all nations signed to the treaty to adopt its regulations and laws. The UN will have the final authority over all nations through LOST. This call to harmonize all nations for the sake of LOST is a direct move toward unilateral governance by international mandate. LOST has the unwavering support of President Obama, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, and Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, John Kerry. The Obama administration would like to see LOST’s provisions made priority within foreign policy initiatives under the guise of more intimate cooperation from other nations. At a hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January of 2012, Hilary Clinton remarked that the ratification of LOST is a priority for her “because it is long overdue”. HR 3534, called Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources Act of 2010 (CLEAR), is being paired with a bill that has no identifying tracking numbers as of yet. These two bills combined create global taxation. In Section 802, a conservation tax of $2 per barrel of oil and .20 cents per BTUs of natural gas is implemented. This will raise costs of off-shore drilling, which most oil corporations were forced to become under legislative requirements. CLEAR is the precursor to LOST because it gives the UN all rights to American oceans and splits the United States of America into 9 sectors geographically; as well as places cap and trade climate change restrictions. Read the full article here> ON WEDNESDAY THE SENATE BEGINS CONSIDERATION OF THE LAW OF SEA TREATY. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE BEGIN A HUGE CALLING CAMPAIGN TOMORROW!!!! CALL, FAX AND E-MAIL YOUR CONGRESS!!! GO TO WWW.CONGRESS.ORG AND LOOK UP YOUR SENATOR AND ADJURE THEM TO VOTE NO ON THIS HORRIBLE TREATY. --------- BEAR WITNESS CENTRAL LET US TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK! Provide the conservative information to Hispanics by telling them about Bear Witness Central is a member of the American Hispanic Coalition |
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