Friday, August 7, 2020

VA-ALERT: VCDL Update 8/7/20

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Catching up on a lot of items during this very busy time for VCDL:

11. Help needed: Roanoke Gun Show on August 15 and 16.  Other SW Virginia events
2. Help needed: Richmond Gun Show on August 29 and 30
3. VCDL online membership-meetings are now simultaneously broadcast on both the VCDL Facebook page and the VCDL YouTube channel!
4. VCDL president speaking at the Patriot Network Summit on Saturday, August 29 in Dugspur, VA
5. VCDL president speaking at a Family Foundation event on Saturday, August 15
6. 1,102 people denied purchase of a gun during first month of Va.'s new one-handgun-per-month law
7. Hypocrite: Richmond Mayor Stoney now has an armed security detail
8. Guns taken in 1st local case involving 'red flag' law
9. Safety recall on Henry H015 single-shot rifles and shotguns
10. GunsAmerica article on VCDL's "No local gun-control" campaign
11. Culpeper County sheriff recruiting volunteers in support of pro-gun agenda
12. Some are finally waking up:  Gun sales spike among African-Americans: 'Our ancestors died for us to vote, they also died for us to be able to carry guns'
13. VCDL member gets LTE printed in Richmond Free Press
14. Home invasions can happen anywhere, as one VCDL member found out the hard way
15. Why are Democrats governing in the dark?
16. How easily the NICS system can deny you your right to keep and bear arms
17. Typical gun-controller:  Chicago Mayor gets caught in lie about source of guns used in crime
18. New York trying to dissolve the NRA
19. Dr. John Lott has a new book: Gun Control Myths
20. How not to handle someone goading you when you are in a car - a lesson from Richmond
21. Firearms-based arrests in Richmond - a look at the laws involved
22. Member of the NFAC militia has a negligent discharge, hitting 3 comrades
23. Watch How Fast a Defensive Firearm Stops an Assault [VIDEO]
24. Congressman Morgan Griffith drops by VCDL booth at Glock Match
25. VCDL supporters come in all types
26. And so do VCDL haters ;-)

1. Help needed: Roanoke Gun Show on August 15 and 16.  Other SW Virginia events

VCDL volunteers needed for the Roanoke Gun Show, August 15-16!


Saturday 8 AM--12:30 PM;  12:30--5 PM
Sunday 9 AM--1 PM; 1 PM--5 PM

VCDL will again offer "Join VCDL--get in FREE"  with a table in the lobby and hopefully have a table inside the show also 

We will need at least three members per shift to work the "get in free table" and two per shift for the "inside" the show table. 

Our volunteers also get into the show "FREE"

Contact to reserve your slot!

Other events in the area

The Roanoke Valley Friends of NRA will have their event on Saturday, August 15, at the Salem Civic Center starting at 4:30 PM.   These folks support VCDL and our efforts and we need our members to help support their efforts.

For tickets and information, contact Al Milton 540-797-7777

YES - our fall POT LUCK PICNIC is scheduled for October 24

YES - Our VCDL/Roanoke Rifle and Revolver Club pistol shoot is back on the schedule for October 31.  We will be asking for donations of prizes for this event!

We will furnish more details as these events draw closer.

2. Help needed: Richmond Gun Show on August 29 and 30

So many of our members want to know how they can pitch-in to support VCDL.

One of the best ways to get involved, whether you are a new or long-time member, is by volunteering to help for a few hours at a gun show.

If Governor Ralphie doesn't impose more restrictions, there will be a gun show in Richmond August 29-30 at the Richmond Raceway Complex, 600 E Laburnum Avenue, Richmond, VA 23223.

This is the first gun show in Richmond since January.  We expect the show will be very busy.

Helping at a gun show is fun and requires no previous experience.  First-timers are needed and very welcome.  

Right now we have openings for all shifts.......

Saturday, Aug. 29 Morning Shift:    9:00am-1:00pm
Saturday Aug. 29 Afternoon Shift:   1:00pm-5:00pm

Sunday Aug. 30 Morning Shift:      10:00am-1:30pm
Sunday Aug. 30 Afternoon Shift:     1:30pm-5:00pm

Gun show volunteers are admitted free.  Many of the exhibitor/vendors offer discounts to our volunteers.  If you are a first-timer, don't worry, we'll have experienced member-volunteers on every shift to help you.

Mark your calendars. It's time to step-up and get involved!

Contact Mike Wilburt, VCDL Gun Show Coordinator

Text:  804-814-7260

3. VCDL online membership-meetings are now simultaneously broadcast on both the VCDL Facebook page and the VCDL YouTube channel!

Great news! VCDL Live meetings are now simultaneously broadcast on both the VCDL Facebook page and the VCDL YouTube channel.

Our provider just offered this service and we jumped at the chance to serve our members better.

Ed Levine, VCDL Executive Member and Social Media Director -

4. VCDL president speaking at the Patriot Network Summit on Saturday, August 29 in Dugspur, VA

Looks like an interesting three-day event with quite a few speakers!  I should be speaking around 4:30 on Saturday, August 29.  


Kanawha Valley Arena
121 Kanawha Ridge Rd
Dugspur, VA 24325

More details here:

5. VCDL president speaking at a Family Foundation event on Saturday, August 15

More information on the event and free tickets:

6. 1,102 people denied purchase of a gun during first month of Va.'s new one-handgun-per-month law

Another stupid gun-control law that doesn't stop criminals from getting guns, but rations a right for everyone else.  The screwy way the Virginia State Police interpreted the new law caused confusion for everyone during the law's first month.

7. Hypocrite: Richmond Mayor Stoney now has an armed security detail

Well, well, well.  So the very mayor who has banned guns carried by citizens in government buildings, parks, and recreation and community centers, and also wants to weaken the police, now wants people with guns to protect him!

Gun-controllers are such hypocrites.  Stoney and Northam make quite a team.

The assignment to protect the mayor is probably used as punishment for officers who have done something wrong.

RPD assigns Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney a security detail because of 'credible and ongoing threats'

8. Guns taken in 1st local case involving 'red flag' law

I'm disappointed the police used the Red Flag law.  They should have used a Temporary Detention Order, instead.

9. Safety recall on Henry H015 single-shot rifles and shotguns

10. GunsAmerica article on VCDL's "No local gun-control" campaign

VCDL appreciates the help in calling out the troops to fight local gun-control!

Virginians need to rally to stop local gun bans

11. Culpeper County sheriff recruiting volunteers in support of pro-gun agenda

Culpeper County sheriff recruiting volunteers in support of pro-gun agenda

12. Some are finally waking up:  Gun sales spike among African-Americans: 'Our ancestors died for us to vote, they also died for us to be able to carry guns'

Self-defense is a basic human right.

13. VCDL member gets LTE printed in Richmond Free Press

NOTE:  VCDL continues to monitor for any signs of gun control coming up in the special General Assembly session.  So far none has shown up.

14. Home invasions can happen anywhere, as one VCDL member found out the hard way

Due to COVID-19, and his Virginia business being temporarily shut down, member Don G., was staying at his winter home in Roatan, an island that is part of the Honduras.  While the island is normally peaceful, Don experienced a violent home invasion.

During the invasion, Don got into a gun fight with THREE armed-miscreants.  Don was shot twice (in the arm and in the trachea) and he managed to shoot one of the attackers, causing all three to flee.

While badly wounded, Don stayed in the fight, the criminals didn't.

He sent me some graphic photos of his wounds.  He's lucky to be alive.

Don wanted me to remind all of you that such an attack can happen anywhere, especially during the turbulent times we are having in the U.S., and to please remain ever vigilant.

When the balloon goes up, it can go up fast.

VCDL wishes Godspeed to Don as he recovers from his wounds.

15. Why are Democrats governing in the dark?

NOTE:  VCDL continues to monitor for any signs of gun control coming up in the special General Assembly session.  So far none has shown up.

16. How easily the NICS system can deny you your right to keep and bear arms

Looks like Project Veritas will be suing the FBI over improper denial of firearms purchases.  Possible vendetta or bureaucratic screw up? [VIDEO]

17. Typical gun-controller:  Chicago Mayor gets caught in lie about source of guns used in crime

Most guns recovered in Illinois were traced to:  [drum roll] ILLINOIS!  

Of the other states that showed up in the traces, Virginia is not even on the list of the top 14.  

Note that One Handgun a Month was not a law in Virginia when those traces were done, either.

The Chicago Gun Myth

18. New York trying to dissolve the NRA

19. Dr. John Lott has a new book: Gun Control Myths

Gun Control Myths: How politicians, the media, and botched "studies" have twisted the facts on gun control

Gun Control Myths.

20. How not to handle someone goading you when you are in a car - a lesson from Richmond

Here's the video:

Let's analyze it.  If you are in a vehicle and confronted:
  1. Just accelerate and get out of the area.  Do NOT stop and exit the safety of your vehicle, especially to get into a verbal confrontation.
  2. Do not exit the vehicle holding a gun in your hand.  That is brandishing and those he's approaching could have shot him in self-defense.  A note here:  since the other parties had a hand in creating this incident, they lost their ability to stand their ground.
  3. If you must have a gun in your hand, keep your finger off the trigger!  The shot fired into the ground may or may not have been a negligent discharge, but someone could have been hurt or killed by it.  If it was fired intentionally, never fire a warning shot, in any direction.  (Everyone is so hopped up on adrenaline that the shot seemed almost unnoticed.)
The two men who were being confronted by the armed individual were not members of Mensa, either.  The person who who got out of the truck is clearly running on a massive dose of adrenaline, has a gun in his hand, has fired a shot into the street, and those two continue to yell at him and approach him in an aggressive manner!  Luckily for them, Darwin must have gone to bed early that night.

21. Firearms-based arrests in Richmond - a look at the laws involved

From the article, below:

"Three others were charged with transporting a loaded rifle within city limits. Two other people were charged with rioting with a weapon, a felony. Other charges include possessing a weapon with an extended magazine..."

Let's look at this charges:

  • Transporting a loaded rifle within city limits.  Under an anti-poaching law that has been on the books for quite a while, localities can prohibit loaded long guns in vehicles.  15.2-915.2
  • Rioting with a weapon.  Rioting is a Class 1 misdemeanor, but a Class 5 felony if done with a weapon.  18.2-405
  • Possession of a firearm with an extended magazine.  Another old law that is applied only in specific localities.  In those localities, it is unlawful to have a magazine that will hold more than 20 rounds in a loaded, centerfire handgun or rifle, unless you have a CHP (VCDL was able to get that CHP exemption added some years ago, but not get this stupid law repealed).  The law also applies to folding stocks, threaded barrels, and certain shotguns.  18.2-287.4


Police swarm Monroe Park prior to Sunday night march, unknown number arrested

22. Member of the NFAC militia has a negligent discharge, hitting 3 comrades

An NFAC militia member had a negligent discharge, hitting three of his comrades in Kentucky.  In late June, a similar situation in Missouri resulted in an armed Black Lives Matter protester shooting himself in the foot (much better result than hitting someone else).  

A member of the NFAC militia actually said, "We had a little accident, it happens."

Uh, NO it doesn't.  VCDL had 50,000 armed citizens at its rally and no issues at all.

That said, those two negligent discharges proved another gun-control narrative to be wrong.  Neither incident caused anyone else to "open fire" and shoot wildly in response.  No one else fired their gun.  Period.

The police deserve major kudos for their cool, professional, and swift handling of both incidents.



23. Watch How Fast a Defensive Firearm Stops an Assault [VIDEO]

Armed employee in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, stops a violent attack on another employee.  Gun-haters refuse to understand that 9 out of 10 times a gun in the hands of a good person is used to stop a crime without firing a shot.

Watch How Fast a Defensive Firearm Stops an Assault
24. Congressman Morgan Griffith drops by VCDL booth at Glock Match

Member Theron Killer is on the right.  Photo by member Bryan Dunn.

25. VCDL supporters come in all types

26. And so do VCDL haters ;-)

 CAUTION:  the image, below, may be disturbing to some.

I'm told that the guilty pup had already fled the scene when this horrific scene of destruction and mayhem was discovered!

At least that poor, innocent packet will now rest in pieces.  The culprit pled guilty, but is a juvenile, so no jail time or other punishment was given.  Replacement packet is on the way.
To join VCDL, click here.  To contribute to VCDL, click here.

To view the archives, click here.

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PO Box 513
Newington, VA 22122-0513

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