Monday, August 17, 2020

VA-ALERT: Action items: Pro-gun bills in the Special Session and Stafford resolution hearing!

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1. Action Item: Contact your legislators to support two pro-gun bills in the General Assembly Special Session, which starts tomorrow!
2. Action Item: Stafford County to hear "No local gun-control" resolution tomorrow, August 18, at 3pm


1. Action Item: Contact your legislators to support two pro-gun bills in the General Assembly Special Session, which starts tomorrow!

Two pro-gun bills have been introduced in the Special Session of the General Assembly, which starts tomorrow, August 18! 

Delegate Glenn Davis introduced HB5020, which exempts CHP holders from any local gun-control laws.  Senator Stuart introduced SB5041, which extends the option of online CHP-training until 2022.



We need to have everyone contact their legislator using the link below to send a prewritten, but editable message in SUPPORT of HB5020 and SB5041.  I encourage you to customize the message, which will automatically go to your particular legislators based on your home address.  There is an option to contact your legislators via Twitter for those who have a Twitter account, as well as an option to make a phone call to your legislators:

This action item is also on the top of the VCDL website.  The website has a count of the number of emails sent for this campaign:

2. Action Item: Stafford County to hear "No local gun-control" resolution tomorrow, August 18, at 3pm

The "No local gun-control" resolution is item 39 on the Stafford County Board of Supervisors agenda for tomorrow, Tuesday, August 18.  The meeting starts at 3 pm.


Board Chambers
1300 Courthouse Rd.
Stafford, VA 22554 

You can watch the proceeding online by clicking here.


If you cannot attend personally, you can send in your comments in support of the resolution electronically by clicking here.

Many thanks to Supervisor Crystal Vanuch for introducing the resolution!

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