Monday, January 15, 2024

The Tyranny of the Democratic Majority

Shortly after graveling in, the Democrat Leadership in the House of Delegates ignored precedence and while holding only a slight advantage in House Seats, heavily packed House Committees with Left wing radicals.

Yes folks, the Richmond Radicals are back…and even worse than before, any pretense of playing 'above board' is gone.
While claiming to be the party of tolerance, this further proves that the Democratic party is the party of authoritarian rule.

The battle for 2025 starts right now!  From one radical bill after another, a virtual flood of Leftist legislation is sure to run straight through the House of Delegates like, well , stuff through a goose.

And then in the State Senate, it is yet more of the same.

This is why it is vital that you help the Loudoun County Republican Committee arm up for the 2025 election starting today.
There is no time to waste.  We are dedicated to finding, training and promoting Republican fighters to take back our Virginia, but we need your help to do so.
This is not not time for sunshine patriots, but rather dedicated conservative fighters who will work over the next 22 months to build a machine that will rip the Radicals from power and restore Common Sense once again to Virginia.

Will you help us?

If so, I need your help right now. We have set a fundraising goal of $50,000 this quarter to build the war chest to fight and win. You can be part of this effort by simply clicking here.

Wars are won by logistics, and an army marches on its stomach. In politics, your donations is the very lifeblood of our efforts. Without your donation, we simply cannot win.

And to lose would be to condemn Virginia and Loudoun County to a decade or more tyrannical rule by the Richmond Radicals.

Are you willing to let that happen?

If not, we need your help right now.

It takes a long time to build the army of conservatives to fight and win in the State Election of 2025.  It cannot happen overnight.

With your support and your donations, we will win, but without your support, we will fail.  It is that very simple.

So I am asking you right now, will you help us plan and prepare and begin the long process of taking back Loudoun County and Virginia? If so, it is vital that you click here right now to arm us for the fight.

Rome was not built in a day, and anything the Richmond Radicals do can and will be undone, but only with your help.

We have to show the tyrannical Left that we have the support of patriots like yourself, and we do that by out-raising the Democrats. When we do so, we show them that if they pass Left wing legislation, there will be a price to pay.

And that price will be their elected seats in 2025.

Now is not the time to panic or doubt, but rather, as Abraham Lincoln said, to 'rededicate ourselves to the unfinished work at hand."

I know together we can and will stop the tyranny of the Democrat Majority, and take back the House of Delegates and the State Senate, not to mention electing a Republican Governor.

We have done so before and we will do so again.

Can I count on your help?
There is no time to waste.  We are dedicated to finding, training and promoting Republican fighters to take back our Virginia, but we need your help to do so.
This is not not time for sunshine patriots, but rather dedicated conservative fighters who will work over the next 22 months to build a machine that will rip the Radicals from power and restore Common Sense once again to Virginia.

Will you help us?

If so, I need your help right now. We have set a fundraising goal of $50,000 this quarter to build the war chest to fight and win. You can be part of this effort by simply clicking here.

Wars are won by logistics, and an army marches on its stomach. In politics, your donations is the very lifeblood of our efforts. Without your donation, we simply cannot win.

And to lose would be to condemn Virginia and Loudoun County to a decade or more tyrannical rule by the Richmond Radicals.

Are you willing to let that happen?

If not, we need your help right now.

It takes a long time to build the army of conservatives to fight and win in the State Election of 2025.  It cannot happen overnight.

With your support and your donations, we will win, but without your support, we will fail.  It is that very simple.

So I am asking you right now, will you help us plan and prepare and begin the long process of taking back Loudoun County and Virginia? If so, it is vital that you click here right now to arm us for the fight.

Rome was not built in a day, and anything the Richmond Radicals do can and will be undone, but only with your help.

We have to show the tyrannical Left that we have the support of patriots like yourself, and we do that by out-raising the Democrats. When we do so, we show them that if they pass Left wing legislation, there will be a price to pay.

And that price will be their elected seats in 2025.

Now is not the time to panic or doubt, but rather, as Abraham Lincoln said, to 'rededicate ourselves to the unfinished work at hand."

I know together we can and will stop the tyranny of the Democrat Majority, and take back the House of Delegates and the State Senate, not to mention electing a Republican Governor.

We have done so before and we will do so again.

Can I count on your help?

God bless,

Scott Pio

Chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee

PS- Packing the House of Delegate Committees with Left-wing radicals is just the first step. The Richmond Radicals, while claiming to be the party of tolerance, is actually the party of tyranny.

But we can stop them.

Will you help us do so?  If so, please click here right now to help us arm up the fight to Take Back Virginia!
Paid for and Authorized by Loudoun County Republican Committee
Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee
Donations are not tax deductible

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P.O. Box 547 Leesburg, Virginia 20178

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