Monday, October 26, 2015

Stand Against Tolls

Help me stop tolls in Fairfax County!
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Folks, Fairfax families are hurting right now - and I need your help to support them!

As you know, I believe that liberty works. It works for businesses. It works for schools. And it works for our families.

Liberty means the freedom to travel on roads your tax dollars have already paid for without being hit with $85 more in tolls every week!

Can you imagine having to pay nearly $400 a month more to take the same routes to work- without getting a single other benefit, like a faster commute?

Friends, tolls don't work for Fairfax families. Liberty does work.

I am taking a real stand against these insane tolls being imposed by the Richmond politicians like Terry McAuliffe and Mark Sickles.

Two years ago, Mark Sickles told us the biggest tax hike in Virginia history was needed to 'solve all our transportation issues'.

Now, he wants MORE? Mark Sickles clearly doesn't understand Fairfax families, and he sure doesn't understand liberty.

Help me take a stand for liberty, for our families, and against Mark Sickles' crazy tolling scheme.

The numbers look good in my race, and with a little more help I will be able to win the 43rd House seat back for the Republicans for the first time since 2004.

But I need your help!

Can you pitch in $100, $50, or even $25 today to help me with my get-out-the-vote efforts?

Together, we can win this seat back and send Richmond a message:

Enough with the tolls on Fairfax families!


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Anna Urman for Delegate
4410 Flintstone Rd
Alexandria, VA 22306

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