Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fwd: Calling all Virginians • Calling all Virginians

Robert, any ideas?

Where is "Alexander of York" these days? Miss seeing you around. 

From: Shelly Kennedy 
Date: August 18, 2013, 10:04:02 AM EDT
Subject: Calling all Virginians • Calling all Virginians

I made a wonderful new acquaintance in Chincoteague Virginia this weekend.

Suffice it to say the Chesapeake and Atlantic waterways and the people who live in the area have suffered tremendously from progressive encroachment and environmental policy. Some conservatives there have sprouted up and are ready to throw off the yoke of oppression.

There is a strong progressive movement afoot to keep Ken Cuccinelli out of the governor's office and turn Virginia blue. Ken is a strong conservative reformer and the people love him — with the exception of the progs near DC. My new acquaintance wants to help get him elected and help influence local policy back away from the rabid enviro-terrorists.

Who is our rep in Virginia? I have no tea party contacts on the eastern shore and would like to help a patriot find a group she and her husband can connect with.


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