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"Will the government's insatiable lust to control the environment, currency, economy and society crush individual rights, thereby forcing Patriots into the Obama-Collective?"
Steve Eichler - TeaParty.Org
Steve Eichler - TeaParty.Org
In accordance with the law, the Executive Branch must document annually the number of new regulatory actions it plans for the coming year. The Administration's current regulatory agenda has 4,257 new regulatory actions. At least 219 will have an economic impact of $100 million or more. That is an increase of nearly 15 percent over last year when it had 191.
Americans have heard the Administration stating that some of these new economically significant regulations will have an economic impact of tens of billions of dollars.
Tea Party Must Stop The Obama Regime!
Global warming, climate change, carbon credits, environmental sustainability, smart growth, smart grid, smart meters, sustainable communities, all United Nations Agenda 21 driven initiatives are being forced on all communities across the country at the local, state, and government level. There are no agencies left that have not yet adopted some sustainable plans.
Flying in the face of our Constitution that protects private property, United Nations Agenda 21 believes in government control of our economy, environment, and social equity because "individual rights must take a back seat to the collective."
George Washington said, "Private property and freedom are inseparable." John Adams proclaimed, "Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist." How much clearer can we state our collective desires to be free? We do not wish to be slaves to the United Nations; we are an independent constitutional republic.
The UN General Assembly President, Joseph Deiss, does not understand our wishes to remain independent because he stated on August 10, 2011, speaking in Chile, that the UN must be reformed in order to "claim its rightful role in achieving more effective global governance in the 21st century." Mr. Deiss underlined "the UN's essential role as the unique umbrella for the whole system of global governance due to its universality, unique legitimacy and its value-based nature." As a free American citizen, I am opposed to UN's values of abolishing private property and installation of collectivization under global government control.
Yet on September 22, 2010, the President signed a Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development, the first of its kind by a U.S. administration. This is a policy focused on "sustainable development outcomes," the hallmark of United Nation's Agenda 21.
The directive is to "use U.S. leadership in the multilateral development banks, U.N. agencies, other international organizations, other donors, foundations, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, and other stakeholders to deploy the full range of our development tools and policies at our disposal." We are to "place greater emphasis on building sustainable capacity in the public sectors of our partners and at their national and community levels to provide basic services over the long-term. How about providing services to our bankrupted economy? United Nations schemes to steal our property and destroy our economy.
Because Congress does not agree to all of these United Nations schemes to steal our property and destroy our economy, they are being passed by fiat, executive orders, proclamations, directives, and generous grants given to local communities who are suffering under our depressed, mismanaged economy.
The latest example of collaborative effort to "invest" ("force") in sustainable communities was announced on August 17, 2011 between HUD and EPA and involved $5.65 million grant "competitively awarded to eight organizations." Each grantee was uniquely qualified to "build the capacity of sustainable communities in six outcome areas."
The Institute for Sustainable Communities from Montpelier, VT will "create a National Sustainability Learning Network"
The University of Louisville Research Foundation, Inc. from Louisville, KY will "address the need for incorporating water infrastructure planning and investments with other planning efforts"
The Coalition of Utah's Future/Project 2000 from Salt Lake City, UT will "work to build skills in Scenario Planning techniques and tools"
Reconnecting America in Washington, D.C. will "develop effective implementation strategies for economic development and local and regional plans"
PolicyLink in Oakland, Ca and Place Matters, Inc. in Denver, CO will "work with communities to advance social equity in planning, participation, and decision making"
The NADO Research Foundation in Washington, D.C. and the Minnesota Housing Partnership in St. Paul, MN will "target their efforts in strengthening sustainability practices for tribes, small towns, and rural places."
Having seen such plans in action under communism, when they confiscated our land, property, money in the name of collectivization, and being a thorough researcher of UN's Agenda 21, I can recognize its nefarious goals and plans.
I wish other Americans could see that these Orwellian, euphemistically named programs and grants are nothing but economic shakedowns, aimed at destroying our freedom and turning us into a "fundamentally changed" Amerika. KEEP READING - TEA PARTY
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) sent a letter today, August 26, 2011, to President Obama, asking the White House to provide Congress before it returns this fall, with a list of all regulatory actions that would have an economic impact of $1 billion or more. Boehner sent a similar request for information last August 16, 2010 when he was the House Republican leader. The requested data was never provided.
Dudley says in Politico, "Some activity is required by new legislative mandates - particularly [Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform/Consumer Protection Act and ObamaCare]. Others, including EPA's regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, are based on new judicial interpretation of statutes passed 20 or more years ago - and do not necessarily reflect the priorities of any recent Congress. But some are discretionary actions, like EPA's pending decision to tighten ozone standards. That is likely to slow economic growth in thousands of counties across the nation and impose costs of $20 billion to $90 billion per year, according to the agency's own estimates."
Regulations are enacted every day by fiat by this administration and its various governmental agencies with or without congressional approval at such at dizzying speed that Americans no longer have the capacity to keep up with the sheer volume and correctly assess the negative impact that they have short-term or long-term on the U.S. economy, our sovereignty, private property, and our freedom.
United Nations Agenda 21 driven initiatives are being forced on all communities across the country.
"President Obama is weak, and I think what he is counting on is that Republicans will be weaker and less well regarded than he is.
Political analyst and Democratic pollster Doug Schoen tells Newsmax that President Barack Obama is in "deep trouble," and if the election were held today he "would be a one-term president." But Schoen also says it is too early to anoint current Republican front-runner Rick Perry as the GOP nominee for 2012 because "anything can happen in this election." Schoen is co-author, along with pollster Scott Rasmussen, of the book "Mad As Hell: How the Tea Party Movement Is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two-Party System."
Three polls over a recent 8-day period have shown Texas Gov. Perry enjoying a significant lead over former front-runner Mitt Romney, with two of the polls putting Perry ahead by double digits.
In an exclusive interview, Schoen was asked what he thinks of the poll results considering that Perry has been formally in the race for only about two weeks. "I think it shows how dissatisfied the Republican electorate is with the other seven or eight candidates, and how they're looking for a fresh face to take on President Obama," he says.
Questions have been raised about Perry's ability to garner support among moderate Republicans. Schoen comments: "In the primaries he doesn't really need moderate Republicans because the bulk of the voters are conservative, but in the general election he'll certainly have to broaden his appeal." KEEP READING - TEA PARTY
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