Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Free national telephone town hall event Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 8:00 PM with Attorney Ger

A message to all members of Virginia Tea Party Patriots

Free national telephone town hall event on Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 8:00 PM EDT.  We are honored to host Virginia's Attorney General and Tea Party champion, Ken Cuccinelli.  CLICK HERE to register

As you know, Mr. Cuccinelli championed a Virginia lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the individual mandate clause in ObamaCare. Many experts believe that this lawsuit poses the single best opportunity to repeal ObamaCare. However, earlier this month, the Fourth Circuit Court in Virginia decided unanimously to throw out the case on standing and did not address the merits of the constitutional arguments. Next stop: the Supreme Court. Attorney General Cuccinelli will joining Tea Party Patriots from around the country to talk about: The court's ruling that Virginia lacks standing to bring the lawsuit. The implications of the court's standing ruling for state sovereignty. And the extraordinary position of the court as compared with Federalist 51 (you know, written by that radical guy by the name of James Madison...)


This is a FREE tele-townhall event. Please forward this information to all your Tea Party friends. We want as many Patriots to join us as possible. (888) 886-6603 and when prompted enter event code 17243 This is hosted by Tea Party Patriots by invitation and is not an official VTPP Federation Event. 

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