Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Governor Northam Blinked!

Dear Friend,

“The Governor blinked.”

That’s what one pundit told me when Ralph Northam decided this week not to sign the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) documents that would have pushed Virginia fuel taxes above 50 cents per gallon , imposed gasoline rationing, and reduced funding for roads.

And he was right. But blinking is not quite the same as saying “No.” 

The battle is not over. You and I cannot stop our efforts until Virginia withdraws from TCI, so that it cannot arise again. There are legislators eager to impose this carbon tax and spend the money. Until we convince them to abandon it, the TCI carbon tax hike can come back to hit us anytime.
You see, the Thomas Jefferson Institute has been the only broad-based state-wide policy organization fighting against the TCI carbon tax hike. Our Senior Fellow, Steve Haner, has written on it extensively. Even our new Chairman, former House Speaker Bill Howell weighed in in a Richmond Times-Dispatch commentary, calling it “a tax increase, taking money from one group of citizens to spend on another group of citizens.”   
Our voice has been a lonely one – yet it was heard, and we’ve been able to do it only because of your help. 
My friend, there are more battles to come: 
·     Proposals to impose California’s electric vehicle requirements on Virginians …
·     Union efforts to force high-cost monopoly union contracts on each of Virginia’s 312 local governments …
·     Legislation to repeal Virginia’s Right To Work law …
·     And more … always more … rules, taxes, and challenges to the free enterprise system.

I know it is almost Christmas. It’s a time your thoughts are on things other than the General Assembly, and they should be.
But our thoughts have to be on what this proudly left-progressive General Assembly is planning next.
Will you help us help you by making a tax-deductible gift to the Thomas Jefferson Institute today? You can do so by clicking here.
Your support – no matter how small – will make a big difference in our ability to fight the onslaught of new legislation coming from the Left … and help us lay the groundwork for a new Virginia of growth, opportunity, and prosperity.
Thank you so much for considering this.
Chris Braunlich

PS – The newspapers say the latest batch of $600 COVID recovery checks will go out next week. May I be so bold as to suggest a place you might consider donating some portion of yours? You can make a gift to the Thomas Jefferson Institute and its team of fighters by clicking here. Thanks again!

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The Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy

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