Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Kirby Burch with VAHDA Endorses Jack for Chairman!

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Kirby Burch with the Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance Supports 2A Stalwart Jack Wilson for Chairman

Fellow Republicans!

As Governor Northam gets ready to wind up the Democratic-controlled General Assembly next month, Second Amendment supporters need to know that the Republican Party of Virginia stands firmly and uncompromisingly in favor of their rights.

That is why I am proud to announce the endorsement of my good friend Kirby Burch with the Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance (VAHDA):


"As a founding member and now CEO of the Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance (VADHA), I know the class of leadership required to run large and diverse organizations. No other candidate for chairman demonstrates Jack's combination of principle and leadership.

Jack Wilson has the leadership qualities and temperament needed to restore the faith of hunters, Second Amendment supporters, evangelical Christians, rank and file Republicans, and small business leaders.

Given the challenges Republicans face, Jack Wilson is precisely the sort of diplomatic yet firmly principled leadership who can unify our Party, build the needed coalitions, and restore the GOP to winning again.

The job of RPV Chairman demands the understanding of the various interests that have to be balanced to achieve our goals. Jack Wilson has the credibility to bring business leaders to the table to gain their much-needed support. All the while, being a dedicated voice for our GOP activists.

I warmly endorse my friend Jack Wilson and urge every conservative worthy of the name to support Jack in the convention on August 15th."

-- Kirby Burch, Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance (VAHDA)

I will never waver or compromise on our Second Amendment rights as the Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia!

Make no mistake.  There are dark forces coming to strip us of our Second Amendment rights in Richmond. 

Virginia's hunters and 2A supporters need to know that leaders lead from the front.

I am so very proud to have the support of 2A stalwarts like Kirby Birch, and I look forward to earning yours over the next 24 days as we head into the convention on August 15th!
Yours in Republican Victory,

Jack Wilson
Republican Party of Virginia

PS:  Just real quick, but if you think about donating to the Republican Party of Virginia (or know of someone who ought to be), click here and send them this link

Kirby Burch is a true conservative stalwart who knows who friends of the Second Amendment truly are.  I look forward to the fight to defend our 2A rights in Richmond, and hope you'll join me in that fight in the weeks and months to come!
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