Monday, April 18, 2016

Two Weeks and Counting

Dear Robert, 
On May 3rd, the State of Indiana will be voting to distribute 57 delegates. Indiana distributes its delegates Congressional District by Congressional District. If we are going to win the state of Indiana, we need your help in Indianapolis. Indianapolis is centrally located and provides quick access to 5 different Congressional Districts. Hardly a week has gone by that there is not some article in the media about Ted Cruz superior ground game. Camp Cruz and the Cruz delegate operation are the two main examples cited by the media when describing the superiority of the Cruz ground game.  Your work has made that happen.  We need you again.

The Camp Cruz venue in Indianapolis is a local Christian camp, thus putting the “Camp” in Camp Cruz.  Volunteers are needed beginning Friday, April 22 through the primary on May 3, checking out on May 4.  Lodging will be in large dorm rooms with bunk beds. But don’t worry, no one will be asked to sleep in an upper bunk if such a sleeping arrangement is uncomfortable for you.  Volunteers will need to bring their own shower soap, towels, pillow, and twin-size sheets and blankets (or sleeping bag). There will be separate dorm rooms for men and women.

If you are interested in joining the Indianapolis Strike Force at Camp Cruz, please sign up here.  If you are interested in being a member of the Cruz Strike Force in Indiana but want to provide for your own accommodations, we’d love to have you.  Please respond here as soon as possible.

For Liberty,

Cruz Crew Strike Force
Paul Porter, Chairman
Mark Meuser, Co-Chair


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