Friday, November 6, 2015

Grassroots Special Project

In just a few weeks Convention of States will be hosting an Article V workshop for hundreds of state legislators from across the country. Legislators will hear from former Okalahoma Senator Tom Coburn, Article V expert Rob Natelson, and COS co-founders Michael Farris and Mark Meckler.

But the most important person they could hear from--is YOU. We want to show legislators a very special video of COS volunteers from across the country demonstrating your enthusiastic support as they look toward next year's legislative sessions.

What sets Convention of States Project apart from all other Article V efforts is not just our goal to restore limited government, but our unparalleled grassroots network—no other effort comes anywhere close to our numbers and enthusiasm.

We need you to make a simple video demonstrating your excitement for COS. Your video can be recorded with a camcorder, webcam, or smartphone. Introduce yourself, including your state and legislative district.

Say something like, "I'm [Name], District Captain in [State] where we're organizing Convention of States supporters all across District [Number]."

If you know your state legislator is supporting Convention of States, you could say, "Delegate/Senator [Name], thank you for boldly supporting Convention of States. We've got your back! Together we're going to restore America." Your state legislator may even be in attendance to see your special message!

Your words will be a tremendous encouragement to the legislators in attendance, showing that we are with them in this fight for liberty and self-governance, to restore America. 

Easily upload your video by clicking this link:

If you have any questions or troubleshooting concerns, please do not hesitate to call or email Garrett Humbertson at 843-826-0733 or

Thank you being a part of this historic movement.

In Liberty,

Garrett Humbertson


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