Sunday, December 8, 2013


Morning Tea Grass roots leader,  (PLEASE CALL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS)
We may or may not have had a chance to meet but my name is Ken Mayo.  I've been active in conservative politics since 1979, and i don't just mean "party" politics.  I was the Director of Education for a Christian organization many years ago, the State Director for American majority in Florida and the Regional Director of Field Operations for Americans For Prosperity.  That operation was shut down last February and I find myself now helping a true "coalition" that is trying to defeat TPP, or at least drastically make changes.  And we need your help.  We are asking as many Groups to join us as possible.  The group name will be used and not individuals (that is a different action letter). 
I was wondering if you would please check out this "Action Letter" designed for (groups) or organizations to sign. Please review and let me know your thoughts. We were thinking of making it a joint push with all the groups and CPA. I've already suggested they reduce the size of the banner logos, but we can even remove the CPA logo if you think that will help us garner more support. Once submitted to the congressman they will still know it is CPA and TP groups, we just won't use the masthead.
The idea is this. I will be compiling a list of as many TP organizations as possible that is going to be presented to Congressman in DC. CPA does lobby (educationally speaking - not donations) and they will be getting these into the hands of everyone they have had discussions with - plus some. Our deadline is January 7th. If we can get a lot of groups on board it will lend more weight.
Please feel free to critique it in anyway you think. We really want this to work.   It is a serious issue.  We will loose so much of our soverignty is this goes through, and we need everyone's help to defeat it.
Both links will take you there but when I push it out I will be using the shorter one.
Ken Mayo

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