Tuesday, January 21, 2020

VA-ALERT: URGENT ACTION ITEM: Senate committee to hear remaining Senate gun bills on Wed!

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1. VCDL Gun Bill Analysis document can now be downloaded
2. Urgent Action Item:  Senate committee to hear remaining Senate gun bills on Wednesday, 1/22/20
3. Pro-gun bills killed in House Firearms subcommittee with help of a Republican


1. VCDL Gun Bill Analysis document can now be downloaded

You can download VCDL's Gun Bill Analysis document, which lists all the gun bills VCDL is following, if they are supported or opposed, and why.  

Click here to download the document.

There is also a link on the VCDL.org main page under "2020 Legislative Session."

2. Urgent Action Item:  Senate committee to hear remaining Senate gun bills on Wednesday, 1/22/20

On Wednesday, January 22, around 1:30 pm to 2:00 pm, the Senate Judiciary committee will meet in Senate Room A to vote on a large group of gun bills - both pro-gun and anti-gun!

Again, we need to flood the room with GSL stickers, and those that can speak, should speak on the bills.

Here are the bills being considered.  Bills we oppose in red and support in blue:

S.B. 13, Ebbin, bans possession or transporting a weapon within Capitol Square.

S.B. 14, Saslaw, bans bump fire triggers, binary triggers, and trigger cranks.

S.B. 15, Ebbin, prohibits carrying firearms into state-owned or state-leased property.

S.B. 18, Saslaw, Universal Background Checks for sales and transfers of firearms.

S.B. 64 , Lucas, two or more persons drilling, parading, or marching with firearms with the intent of intimidating someone is a FELONY.

S.B. 67, McClellan, requires reporting of lost or stolen firearm within 24 hours, punishable with a civil fine of $250.

S.B. 71, Lucas, treats day care and religious pre-school as a K-12 school to ban possession of guns.

S.B. 75, Howell, makes it a crime for anyone to recklessly leave a loaded, unsecured firearm in such a manner as to endanger the life or limb of anyone under 18.
S.B. 76, Howell, takes away possession in their own home of firearms for a person who is subject to a permanent protective order.

S.B. 82, DeSteph, creates a mandatory minimum for someone who violates a protective order with a firearm or other weapon.

S.B. 83, DeSteph, provides a mandatory minimum sentence for brandishing a firearm at a law-enforcement officer.
S.B. 84, DeSteph, provides a mandatory minimum penalty for concealing a firearm while committing a violent felony.

S.B. 85, DeSteph, creates or enhances penalties related to stealing firearms or using a stolen firearm in the commission of a felony.

S.B. 86, DeSteph, creates a mandatory minimum penalty for use or display of a firearm during the commission of a violent felonies.

S.B. 88 - DeSteph, creates a mandatory minimum sentence for maliciously shooting at or in an occupied dwelling, willfully shooting a firearm in or at a school building, or shooting from a vehicle so as to create risk of death or injury to another.

S.B. 89, DeSteph, creates a mandatory minimum sentence for violating a protective order while armed with a dangerous weapon.

S.B. 173, Hanger, allows possession of a stun gun while in a vehicle on K-12 school property if a person has a CHP.

S.B. 248, Favola, creates a "Gun Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund."  If it were a generic "Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund, " VCDL could support it.

S.B. 263, Bell, takes away the option for online training to get a CHP.

S.B. 319, Chase, requires property owned by the Commonwealth or a locality have law-enforcement or armed security on premise to cover any gun-free zones.

S.B. 353, Bell, requires certain range design criteria for outdoor shooting ranges within 500 yards of any property zoned for residential use.  No grandfathering for existing ranges.

S.B. 372, Saslaw, prohibits possession of a firearm by anyone with a permanent protective order against them.

S.B. 436, Surovell, creates a voluntary "Do Not Sell Firearms List," that makes it a misdemeanor for someone who has put themselves on that list and then attempts to purchase a firearm.  I can't wait to hear what problem this bill was meant to address!

S.B. 476, Chase, provides coverage and additional damages to anyone inured or killed by a criminal action of a third party in a K-12 or higher-education public school, where concealed carry is prohibited.

S.B. 477, Chase, provides coverage and additional damages to anyone inured or killed by a criminal action of a third party upon property owned or leased by the Commonwealth, where concealed carry is prohibited.

S.B. 479, Howell, prohibits possession of a firearm by anyone with a permanent protective order against them.

S.B. 543, Edwards, fixes the non-existent "gun-show loophole."

S.B. 581, Howell, makes it a FELONY for anyone to recklessly leave a loaded, unsecured firearm in such a manner as to endanger the life or limb of anyone under 18.

S.B. 593, Hanger, requires guns in a licensed family day home to be unloaded, locked up, with ammunition in a separate locked container.

S.B. 614, Deeds, adds County of Albemarle and City of Charlottesville to list of localities where the carry of loaded centerfire firearms with a magazine that hold more than 20 rounds inserted or has a threaded barrel are prohibited.

S.B. 684, Mason, forces someone to get their firearms rights restored if they were committed and appealed the committal, even if any mental health issues were resolved by the time of an appeal.

S.B. 781, Lewis, makes it a crime to leave an unattended handgun in public view in any public place where the public assemble, street, highway, or other public conveyance, or sidewalk. If a handgun is left on the seat of a locked vehicle (something someone without a concealed handgun permit might do), it could trigger this law.

SB 825, Chase, exempts local government employees from restrictions on carrying certain firearms in certain localities.

S.B. 901, Chase, Constitutional Carry bill.

S.B. 928, Newman, continues to allow for possession, purchase, or transport of a firearm or a firearms magazine that was legal on January 1, 2020, in any locality that, by ordinance, resolution, or motion allows for such possession, purchase, or transport.

S.B. 958, Chase, repeals the current requirement for a person to have "good and sufficient reason" to carry a firearm while a meeting is being held for religious purposes in a place of worship. This is an old Blue Law that interferes with the right of a place of worship to decide on its own security needs.

S.B. 1009, Chase, waves the sovereign immunity for the Commonwealth or a locality if such government entity creates a firearm-free zone and a person lawfully present sustains injuries while in such zone. For a department, agency, authority, board, commission, or council of the Commonwealth, if they create a firearm-free zone on any area open to the public, then they assume an affirmative duty to protect invitees while lawfully on the premises of such property and they, too, wave their sovereign immunity.  Anytime a person is disarmed, whoever disarms them should be responsible for the disarmed person's safety during the time they are disarmed.


Action Item 1:  Click here send a message to the committee to support the pro-gun bills

Action Item 2:  Click here to send a message to the committee to oppose the anti-gun bills

3. Pro-gun bills killed in House Firearms subcommittee with help of a Republican

Today all twelve pro-gun bills before the House Public Safety Firearms subcommittee were killed.  Most were killed on a partisan vote, with all Democrats on the subcommittee voting wrong and all Republicans voting correctly - except for three bills.  On those bills (HB 161 - Constitutional Carry, HB 162 - waving of sovereign immunity in gun-free zones, and HB 1382 - same as HB 162), Republican Delegate Carrie Coyner voted with the Democrats. :-(

Delegate Helmer lead the charge to kill the pro-gun bills, except for two, which Delegate Price did the deed.

Here are the emails and phone numbers of those voting wrong to politely contact to show your displeasure at their votes against pro-gun bills in the Firearms subcommittee on Tuesday.  Let's flood their inboxes and voicemails:

Delegate Coyner: DelCCoyner@house.virginia.gov, 804-698-1062
Delegate Bourne: DelJBourne@house.virginia.gov, 804-698-1071
Delegate Plum: DelKPlum@house.virginia.gov, 804-698-1036
Delegate Price: DelMPrice@house.virginia.gov, 804-698-1095
Delegate Helmer: DelDHelmer@house.virginia.gov, 804-698-1040
Delegate Jenkins: DelCJenkins@house.virginia.gov, 804-698-1076

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