Thursday, April 30, 2020

VA-ALERT: VCDL Update 4/30/20

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1. Outdoor shooting ranges at National Forests are currently closed
2. "All About VCDL Membership" - discussion and Q&A on Monday, May 4
3. Hi-Point firearms has doubled down on their generosity to VCDL!
4. Virginia Gun Collectors Association gives donation to VCDL to help with the fight!
5. VCDL Fulfillment Center needs a photographer to update photos of VCDL gear
6. VCDL picnic in SW Virginia has been CANCELLED
7. CHP application processing in Radford
8. More gun cases set for Friday's U.S. Supreme Court conference
9. Miscellaneous articles buried during all the activities from November through March

1. Outdoor shooting ranges at National Forests are currently closed

Currently the public outdoor shooting ranges that are in Virginia National Forests are closed.

The National Forests in Virginia, believe it or not, are run by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, which answers to Governor Northam.

Need I say more?

If you wish to contact DGIF and ask them to reopen those ranges, click here for their contact information.

2. "All About VCDL Membership" - discussion and Q&A on Monday, May 4

Did you join VCDL but you don't have a membership card yet? How do you renew? How long is a membership good for? How can you give a gift membership?

These questions and more will be answered on Monday, May 4th, 2020 at 8pm on the VCDL Facebook page. (and then posted on the VCDL YouTube channel. Your hosts will be Patricia Webb (VCDL's Treasurer and Secretary) and Ed Levine (VCDL's Social Media Director and Executive Member). 

Hope to see you then! 

3. Hi-Point firearms has doubled down on their generosity to VCDL!

Hi-Point firearms has just told VCDL that we will be getting more than twice as much money from the raffle done earlier this year, thanks to the generosity of their president!

That money will be put to good use with the legal battles being fought now and those that are coming soon.

4. Virginia Gun Collectors Association gives donation to VCDL to help with the fight!

Bernie Breighner, the president of the Virginia Gun Collectors Association, sent VCDL a check for $3,000 with this note:

"The Virginia Gun Collectors Association is please to present the VCDL with a donation of $3,000.00.  VCDL has taken the leading role in helping protect our firearm rights throughout the State of Virginia.  Our Board of Directors voted unanimously to grant the funds to VCDL for use against the anti gun tide that has swept the Governors office and the General Assembly.  The funds can be used at the discretion of the VCDL.

"We want to thank VCDL for their continuous efforts to protect the Second Amendment rights of all Virginians."

5. VCDL Fulfillment Center needs a photographer to update photos of VCDL gear

The VCDL Fulfillment Center, located in North Stafford, is looking for a photographer to help update the pictures for VCDL's online store.  If you are interested, and have a few hours to spare, please send an email to Bruce Jackson ( and include your contact number.

6. VCDL picnic in SW Virginia has been CANCELLED

The VCDL SW Virginia picnic scheduled for May 30 is CANCELLED.

We hope to reschedule the picnic for later in the year.

7. CHP application processing in Radford

EM Dave Knight send me this about CHP processing in Radford:

The Radford Circuit Court Clerk's Office is open to the public only from 1000 to 1500 on Tuesdays & Thursdays but open for phone calls during their normal hours (0830-1630, M-F).

The Radford Circuit Court also has a locked drop-box to the left of their office door when they are not open to the public.  This is convenient for "in a hurry" CHP mail-in renewals (i.e faster delivery than USPS).  I believe that CHP renewals and other court documents, in an envelop addressed to the Circuit Court Clerk, may be placed in the Treasurer's drop box outside after hours.

8. More gun cases set for Friday's U.S. Supreme Court conference
9. Miscellaneous articles buried during all the activities from November through March

An article I wrote for Capitol Connections magazine in November:


Case of self-defense:

Intruder allegedly puts gun in homeowner's face, demands money, orders him to room. Turns out victim's double-barrel is stored there — and 76-year-old fires it.


The Babylon Bee (satire) explains "Assault Rifles."  Article was probably written by Delegate Mark Levine and Senator Dick Saslaw:


Gun owners laugh at thought of mandatory buy ups:

Gun owners laugh out loud at idea of mandatory buybacks in MSNBC focus group


Very sad story about a vocal gun-control advocate who murdered her three children and then killed herself using a gun:


If you are wondering about the legality of expandable batons, attorney John Pierce has an article to read:


Former head of Brady Campaign acknowledges gun owners are 'unfairly demonized'


Video discussing Michael Bloomberg saying guns should be seized from young male minorities:


Attorney Stephen Halbrook discussing "'Assault Weapons' or Assault on the Second Amendment?"


Just for laughs - law-abiding criminals (caution: language):


Johns Hopkins study shows California background checks had no effect on crime.  Gee, we could have told them that!


Article by Dr. John Lott.

"Permit holders have stopped dozens of would-be mass public shootings in malls, churches, schools, universities and town centers. Gun control advocates raise the alarm that a permit holder will accidentally shoot a bystander or a police officer responding to reports of a mass shooting will accidentally harm a permit holder. This has never happened in a mass public shooting."  


Prager University:  "What Should We Do About Guns?"


"THAT is why law-abiding citizens buy millions of these firearms." Amy Swearer To House Judiciary


City Council member brought a gun to work.


12-year-old Oklahoma girl shoots home invader:


Anti-gun Delegate Dan Helmer doesn't realize the irony in one of his posts:


We had many inquiries about recalling the Governor.  Liberty Doll explains the process:



The Majority Of Virginia Homicides Come From Only Two Metro Areas


Everything you ever wanted to know about AR-15 rifles:


Masked Spotsylvania teen shot by resident following theft from neighbor's vehicle.  The teen made the mistake of brandishing at a CHP holder and his wife:


Concealed Carry saves a man & his wife from an attempted 1st degree murder:


12 Times Gun Owners Defended Themselves and Others


Here is a video showing an actual shootout during a store robbery in Norfolk, with commentary:


Democrats may well pay for their massive push for gun control at the polls in the future:


Here is a self-defense shooting video with commentary.  This is from California:


COVID-19 is driving a massive purchase of guns, including by many brand new gun owners:



Do NOT fire warning shots!  This happened in Craigsville:


Why Owning A Gun Is A Rational Insurance Policy Against Danger


VCDL president quoted in CNN story on new gun-control laws in Virginia:

And quoted in Liberty Nation:

VCDL member calls out Senator Surovell in an LTE on vilifying gun owners:


Three teen males allegedly attack man on bus after midnight. But victim has license to carry gun — and brings the pain:

Three teen males allegedly attack man on bus after midnight. But victim has license to carry gun — and brings the pain.


Bad idea to invade a home whose owner is armed:



Trump: We Can't Allow Virginia Governor to Play with 2nd Amendment


The FBI Is Playing Games With Gun Background Checks:


VCDL Board member Patricia Webb was on the Spicer & Co. show:


If Joe Biden wins the presidency this year, here is an article on his agenda for gun owners:


Heritage Foundation Introducing a Defensive Gun Use Database


Guns & Gadgets covers VCDL's fight to reopen indoor ranges

and more coverage:


I wonder how the gun controllers will villainize gun companies for this:


Your Freedoms Don't Have to Be Muzzled Just Because You're Wearing a Mask


A good case is made to stop saying "law-abiding gun owner" and say "peaceful gun owner" instead.  I like her reasoning!


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Monday, April 27, 2020

VA-ALERT: VCDL's Historic Lobby Day 2020, Part 4 of 6

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VCDL Lobby Day 2020

This is Part 4 in a 6 part series documenting VCDL's Lobby Day 2020, which was held on January 20, 2020 in Richmond, Virginia.

You can read the previous parts by clicking on the part number:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4. Lobby Day 2020 arrives and the deterrents failed:  an eye-popping, 100% peaceful event, with a massive turnout of patriots determined to save the Commonwealth from tyranny.  Also a birds-eye view: select video from the VCDL president's body camera


After leaving the packed pre-Lobby Day dinner that Sunday night, I headed to my hotel in Richmond.  As I approached downtown, I could see gun owners walking around mostly in groups.  Some were checking out the "cage", Northam's version of the Berlin wall.

At my hotel, it seemed like almost everyone I saw there was a gun owner.  Some I recognized, and others I didn't.  Talking to people and listening to conversations, it was clear there was a strong contingent of those who had come long distances to be part of the event.

Walking out to where the valet had parked my car, I passed a military-looking vehicle parked in an alleyway.  It was Alex Jones of InfoWars and his team.  They wold be one of many who would cover the event the next day.

As I was getting ready to go to sleep, the question on my mind was whether all the days and weeks of fear mongering by Northam, the news media, and various others, about the event being potentially dangerous, would mean a low turnout?  Would the gun controllers and the alarmists get what they wanted - a diminished Lobby Day they could easily write off?

Or was this going to be a historic event with a long reaching impact?

In a few hours, those questions would be answered, one way or the other.


The early morning of Monday, January 20, 2020 was clear and the day would prove to be beautiful, but very cold.

My morning was filled mostly with press interviews.  Meanwhile, buses from across the state and across the country had been arriving since well before 8 am.  Arriving buses were parked on streets that were blocked off for that purpose and the passengers had to walk a few blocks to get to the Capitol.

Many of the gun owners coming by private vehicles, parked at the Flying Squirrels baseball team's parking lot, where they were greeted by VCDL volunteers and put on shuttle buses.  The four shuttle buses VCDL leased were having a hard time keeping up with all the people arriving.  Some of the gun owners decided to walk the mile or so to the Capitol rather than wait for the shuttle service.

Over 20 lobbying teams were assembled and dispatched, unarmed, into the General Assembly Building to lobby for all of us.  Bearing "Guns SAVE Lives" stickers and VCDL's Gun Bill Analysis document to give to the various legislators each team had been assigned to cover, the teams worked through the building over the next two and a half hours.

Outside, tens-of-thousands of well-armed gun-owners filled streets around the Capitol, which had been closed to traffic for that purpose.

Gun owners bearing patriotic signs and posters were everywhere!

Another six thousand or so unarmed individuals went through security screening to enter the "cage," putting them near the podium where the speakers would be.  (The Governor's "cage" was intentionally sized to minimize the number of people that could be inside it: six thousand was the limit that had been set.)

Thanks so much to those in the "cage" for doing what I know wasn't an easy decision for any of them.  But it paid off.  Photos of the rally taken from a distance showing the masses of people inside and outside the cage were stunning.

Looking at aerial photographs of the entire crowd, it's been estimated there were over 50,000 people there.  The estimate from the Capitol Police was 22,000, which is nothing to sneeze at, but is clearly low.  Their estimate probably didn't include all the nearby streets that weren't directly around the Capitol, but were packed with people from wall to wall.

Lobby Day turned out to be a completely peaceful event with a massive turnout of friendly, but determined patriots, from all walks of American life, who wanted their message of "no more gun control" to be heard.  

In the end, Northam and the other Democrat gun-controllers had failed to derail Lobby Day.  All their fear mongering, along with the roadblocks they tried to put up because of their hatred and disdain for gun owners, were for naught.  

Our voices were heard and will continue to be heard at the polls and in the General Assembly for a long time to come.

And, as a final reminder of who we are (hats off to those who did this), the streets and Capitol grounds were cleaner after we left than they were before we arrived!  In fact, local media noticed that one could tell exactly where the cordoned area ended based on the cleanliness of the streets!  In my body cam video, below, you will see one officer noting in amazement just how clean we had left Capitol Square (near the 42:00 minute mark).  The police were accustomed to other groups leaving their trash everywhere for someone else to clean up.  

We are nothing like those other groups.

Thanks to all of our Lobby Day speakers for doing such a great job!  In order of appearance:
  • Senator Amanda Chase
  • Delegate Nick Freitas
  • Delegate John McGuire
  • Antonia Okafor, founder "Empowered 2A"
  • Cam Edwards, editor of, host Cam & Co.
  • Dick Heller, of DC vs Heller
  • Sheriff Scott Jenkins (Culpeper County)
  • Sheriff Danny Diggs (York County)
  • EM Brendon Mooney
  • Jan Morgan, political analyst at Fox Business, range owners, and rep. for "2A Women"
  • Anthony Myers, 2A activist from Suffolk
  • Jeff Katz, Richmond talk-radio personality on WRVA
  • Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America
  • Keynote: Stephen Williford, hero from Sutherland, Texas who stopped a mass public-shooting in a church in 2017 using his AR-15


Thanks to EM Matt Gottshalk and his team for putting together fantastic video coverage of Lobby Day 2020!  

Matt said that all day long people, seeing that he was with VCDL, approached and thanked him for all VCDL does.

Click here to watch the official VCDL Lobby Day video.


I was wearing a body camera on Lobby Day.  I put together an edited video showing a birds-eye view of that event from my vantage point, including some peaks behind-the-scenes.  (In the very first part of the video Jim Snyder used my body cam to film a press interview I was doing outside the Commonwealth hotel.  That small segment is in black-and-white and everything else is in color.)

I was pleased with the quality of the video - it was the first time I had used that camera and I didn't know what to expect.

Click here (youtube) or here (vimeo) to watch the body cam video.



Part 5. Postscript: the positive effects of Lobby Day 2020 on the upcoming 2020 and 2021 elections, gun-control bills in the General Assembly, and the perception of gun owners in the press


Part 6. Lobby Day 2020 news articles, photos, videos, and gun-owner comments: wall-to-wall coverage of that historic event!

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