---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Gene Underwood <gene.underwood41@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 1:39 PM
Subject: FW: Chuck Smith for Chairman
To: <99teaparty@gmail.com>
Fellow conservatives:
Two days ago I had the opportunity to meet Chuck Smith who is running
for Chairman of the Virginia State (Republican) Committee. He makes a
very good case for taking the party in a new direction. His bio is
impressive and he has the energy to do the things he says he wants to
do for our party. Read his email below, view his YouTube video, and
if you agree with me, send an email to all six of the 1st District
State Central Representatives urging them to vote for Chuck Smith.
Here are the 1st District state central reps.
CHAIRMAN Watson, Bob bwatson.mail@gmail.com
ST CENTRAL C4 Albertson, Steve steven.albertson@skadden.com
ST CENTRAL P4 Dawson, Carol cgdawson98@gmail.com
ST CENTRAL R2 Cunningham, Robert rcngham@gmail.com
ST CENTRAL C4 Wright, Russ russ.wright2@gmail.com
ST CENTRAL C4 Kile, Larry kgrepublican@gmail.com
Gene K. Underwood, LTC EN
USAR (Ret)
703-403-9668 (Cell)
From: Chuck Smith <ChuckSmith@svlaw.net>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 4:02 PM
To: chucsmit@live.com
Subject: Chuck Smith for Chairman
Fellow Republicans,
Our Party faces a pivotal juncture in our long and rich history.
Either we repair our fractured and divided Republican Party and unify
for "The Win" each and every year in Virginia, or we are destined to
become permanently irrelevant.
I want to be your Republican Party Chairman to unite our eleven
congressional leadership teams across our Commonwealth this year to
win all of our federal elections and to support our President. I want
to be your Republican Party Chairman to inspire and lead our county
and city Republican committees across Virginia so that we may grow our
units and diversify our voter base to win statewide elections again
and to hold our majorities in the State Senate and House of Delegates
next year.
Why Chuck Smith
Charlottesville as a symbol of hatred is diminished:
There is only one candidate who takes the hateful rhetoric and every
accusation hurled at Republicans off the table with this election,
only one. Think about that. Chuck Smith, simply by becoming Chairman,
removes the hateful words "token, hypocrite, bigot, white
supremacist, racist" and takes them right off the table.
National spotlight on Virginia's Republican Party:
"Retired Navy JAG Commander and former Marine (0311) elected Chairman
of Virginia's Republican Party." You can visualize the national
headlines to capture the historic moment of change. Compare that with
the Chesterfield Observer running a full-page ad that "Hometown Lawyer
and former planning commissioner elected Republican Chairman."
No one equals Chuck:
Nothing is more powerful than having a core political party select a
core American fluent in Spanish with the credentials: Marine (0311),
Navy JAG Commander (Ret.), a 38-Year lawyer, Former Chairman of the
Republican Party Virginia Beach, who has been elected chairman,
president, officer, director or served on the board of every single
organization to which he has belonged. No one across the Republican
Party in Virginia- not Ken Cuccinelli, not Bob McDonald, not Jim
Gilmore -has the resume and experience to lead this party like I do.
Consider the potential for outreach in:
The Hispanic and Latino Communities, the Black Community, the Asian
Community, and our Patriotic base including Veterans who will rally
around a 4th of July Chairman- a true American they will say.
The future of our Republican Party lies in the inclusiveness and
growth of this Party, and the word "hypocrite" will disappear from the
rhetoric of the progressive Left. I want to be that "Change Agent."
Immediate credibility will blanket the Party. The Democrats will have
to regroup and find other adjectives because the former labels won't
apply. We can move straight from defense to offense recruiting from
all of Virginia's communities showing them that we practice what we
Eleven consecutive years of defeat is not an option:
Bottom line, we are on political life support, requiring an immediate
injection of energy and enthusiasm. My Chairmanship offers that and
more. It will proudly be said that never before in the history of our
Party did we have an opportunity to correct our course than we did on
September 8, 2018.
The only hope at recovery from a 10-year losing streak is our
reconnection with the voters. The fact is, our Party can't win
elections in the Commonwealth with the current "Keep it Small, Keep
it All" membership mentality. We need to grow our Party, and I have a
Please listen to the 2-Part Plan in my video at
https://youtu.be/APJBEUNCQJY. And also, please read my biography
(attached). Please know that I am available to speak or meet with you
24/7 at 757-270-4339, and I look forward to speaking with each of you
and hearing your thoughts and ideas on how to win again in Virginia.
Finally, I have been humbled by the outpouring of support I have
received from so many Republicans across Virginia who have heard my
message and support my campaign.
But we need to reach each voting member of the State Central Committee
who are tasked to make the selection Sept 8th. They need to hear from
you, their base, that Chuck Smith is by far, the best-qualified
candidate to run for Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia in a
generation and we need his leadership at this pivotal moment in our
Party. Thank you. God bless.
Chuck Smith
293 Independence Boulevard, Suite 231
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462
757-490-3181 Office
757-270-4339 Cell
The GOP is corrupt and without honor. Anyone with an R after their name is a member of the party of pedophiles, the party of borrow and spend, the party of lies, they party of regression, the party of hate, the party of hypocrisy, the party of chicken hawks, and the party of treason. Put more simply, the GOP has become the party of Trump.