Saturday, October 29, 2016

To 375+ Patriots ....The Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors are going crazy with your money .......................

                                                                 SHARE THIS EMAIL

In the article below, our BOS just gave the Home Builders 3-4.5 million each year in extra profit by reducing the cash proffers by 50%.

This is spent money that we, the taxpayers, will have to make up each year........The HBs did pay for the beer at Delegate Robinson's fundraiser..

Now our big govt BOS is going to buy a 5.5 million sports park to go along with their $1 billion Bikeways.

The BOS does not have any money .... to spend $1 they have to take, by force, $1.50 from us.

Pay attention, folks .................. the BOS is patterning our local govt after the runaway US govt we have today....................

Unlike the Federal govt, you can make a difference....a big up and speak up ..........

Request meetings and make them come to you .............. they are your servants, not your leaders......

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fwd: Please share this with your friends and family

A must read for all-esp Christians! Let's make this go viral!

Please share this with your friends and family.
View this email in your browser
Dear Fellow Believers,
As you can tell from my greeting, I am writing primarily to you, the American church. I am doing so personally, not representing Dutch Sheets Ministries. Though this is longer than the blogs I normally send, please read it as an urgent, heartfelt appeal. The sense of urgency I feel is hard to put in words. I have prayed and wept much over the condition of our nation, and continue to be deeply burdened. We are so close to the precipice of a complete self-destruction—a devastation of such magnitude that it would take decades to recover. Some believe a complete recovery would never be possible. The America we have known and loved is being systematically dismantled and reshaped.
Voting is a precious right and a serious responsibility; I realize it is also a very personal and private one. We do it by secret ballot in America for a reason. I don't want to be another voice of manipulation—there are so many in presidential election campaigns—therefore, it is with the utmost caution and conviction that I do this.
I also want to state upfront that I am neither a registered Republican nor Democrat. Years ago, I concluded that if my "calls to prayer" were to be trusted by believers across the board, I would have to issue them as an independent voter. With this in mind, I relinquished my party affiliation, along with the rights to vote in primaries, help shape party platforms, possibly become a delegate, etc. and became an Independent. Since then, like many of you I have become fed-up with both parties—disillusioned with the Republicans, offended and appalled by the Democrats. I say this to assure you that I am not making this appeal in order to stump for "my party's candidate."
Finally, I want to also preface my appeal by saying I have not been a huge Trump fan. Had I been allowed to vote in the primaries, he would not have been my first choice. His seeming arrogance, insults, history of philandering, personal ambition, etc. were very disconcerting to me. I kept an open mind, however, knowing God uses imperfect people and that He is very merciful—I don't condone sin, but neither do I cast the first stone—and knowing that people do, indeed, change. I was also challenged to remain open-minded about Trump by the fact that several spiritual leaders I trusted were convinced God wanted to use him to overthrow an ineffective and corrupt system. Over time, I came to agree with them. However, for me, this election is not nearly as much about who I am for, as it is who and what I am against; and frankly, even with my initial concerns, the decision has never been easier.
One of the most devastating occurrences in America in our lifetimes, ranking up with The Supreme Court's decisions of Roe vs. Wade and Engel vs. Vitale (the removal of prayer from schools), was the election of Barack Obama. I gave a strong warning about what would happen to our nation if he was elected. Sadly, it has all come to pass: a continued liberalization and empowerment of the judicial system in America; a weakened economy (our national debt has doubled in 7 years to $19 TRILLION!)[1]; further moral deterioration, along with a rebellion to and mockery of God (does anyone remember the White House lit up in the colors of the LGBT movement after marriage was re-defined by the Supreme Court? If that wasn't an "in your face" to God and those of us who "cling to their God, guns and religion" by the man who mockingly said it, I don't know what could ever be!); increased violence; a weakened position in the world, along with a weakened military; the advance of radical Islamist terrorism; a setback in race relations; and more. I rejoice that our nation has been able to elect our first black president. I am deeply saddened, however, that it was Barack Obama.
The damage has been so great that America is now one president away from a complete transformation to secularism, a loss of our Judeo-Christian foundation, the loss of our position as the stabilizing force for good in the earth, and the leading voice of the gospel to all the world. If elected, Hillary Clinton will be the president who finishes the job. She stands almost entirely against everything we, the church, are for, and for everything we are against. Hillary is pro-abortion, including partial-birth abortion, the most insidious evil of the last century; will raise taxes while continuing out-of-control spending; will further weaken our military; is for completely open borders[2]; is pro-gay marriage; supports Obamacare; has no respect for our Judeo-Christian heritage; sells influence; and is a proven liar. Do not be fooled—she will completely finish what Obama started.
The notion peddled by some "Never Trump" Republicans that they can keep Hillary from accomplishing what she wants for 4 years, then replace her with someone they prefer, is laughable. The fact that they should know this, and don't, is truly scary. Even more frightening is...perhaps they do. The Republican Congress has done nothing to stop Obama; why should we believe they will do so with Hillary? When they threaten to curb Obama with "the power of the purse," he simply calls their bluff and either bullies them into giving him what he wants, or simply does as he pleases through unconstitutional executive orders. A Republican controlled Congress has done nothing to defund Obamacare, slow down the TRILLIONS of dollars of debt he has accrued, prevent his treasonous acts with Iran, defund Planned Parenthood and their selling of babies' body parts (can you even believe such a thing even exists, and that the Obama's and Hillary condone it?!), or stop any number of other inappropriate actions and wasteful expenditures. Much of Washington, DC is an out-of-control cancer that must be cut out.
To be sure, there are Republican leaders who desperately want to change things but the entrenched, lobbyist-owned, career politicians–many of them liberals in conservative clothing–have neither the will, backbone, and perhaps not the intellect needed to change it. Radical surgery is necessary. Again, it is laughable to think that the leadership of this weak and diluted Republican Congress would be able or willing to stop the agenda of the libs once they enjoy an even greater momentum from another White House win. Someone please tell me why we should believe that. If the Republican Party has not sold us out, why did they spend $18.2 million on Bush's election in 2004, $53.5 million for McCain in 2008, $42.4 million for Romney in 2012, and $0 on ads to elect Trump?![3] They have sold us out.
It is also ridiculous, and perhaps insincere, for the "Never Trump" Republican leaders to suggest "we would only need to reverse 4-8 years of damage if Hillary is elected, which in the long run isn't much." Again, these leaders are either lying or horribly deceived. The damage presently occurring to our nation is—in the sense of time—exponential. Every year of damage means closer to 10 years in it's longevity.
  • How long will it take America to reverse another $4-8 trillion of increased debt? Decades!
  • How long will it take us to recover from the decimating of our military? Decades!
  • How long will it take to defeat a now entrenched Obama/Clinton-enabled ISIS? Decades! (And honest military and intelligence leaders admit that we now have many radical Islamist terrorists here in the US, not just abroad.)
  • How long will it take to undo the loss of appropriate fear, which our enemies, and the enemies of freedom around the world, once had toward us? Decades! (Our enemies now laugh at us, while attacking us with our own weapons, or weapons purchased with millions in ransom money we paid them. While Putin rebuilds the Soviet empire and China makes plans to rule the world, we are disarming. We can't even identify our enemies. Obama and those around him are foolish and spineless, and our military leaders know it. We are the laughingstock of our enemies. Hillary helped to set this debacle of foreign policy, and she will continue it.)
  • How long will it take to recover from 2–5 Clinton lifetime appointees to the Supreme Court? Decades! If she appoints five, which is feasible, she will have single-handedly appointed over half of the Supreme Court, and will have given the liberal, non-constitutionalists a 30-40 year, 7–2 majority advantage! (There is one vacancy now, and of the other 8 Justices, the three oldest are 77, 79 and 83; two more are in their late 60's.) Then there are the several hundred lifetime Federal Judges she would appoint. Obama has already appointed nearly half of our Federal Judges—all liberals—and Hillary would appoint the other half. This entire scenario is unthinkable! If all this occurs, these overreaching, legislating ideologues will finish the job of decimating everything you and I stand for. America as we have known it may then be gone forever. We have less than three weeks to stop this.
Do not listen to the "only four years" crowd!
I also want to make an appeal to those who say their conscience won't allow them to vote for either Trump or Clinton, so they simply won't vote at all. I sincerely respect your convictions, but in this election, that argument fails the logic test (as does voting for someone who cannot possibly win). Trump's potential negative developments do not come close to the magnitude of those Hillary would produce. We simply cannot—regardless of our concerns regarding Trump—allow all the above-mentioned consequences to happen. I respectfully appeal to you to turn your "conscience" and "principles" toward the unborn, your children, grandchildren, and the destiny of this nation. Please! We have already been down this "not voting" path once before when millions of evangelicals refused to vote for Romney because he was a Mormon. As disgusted as I am with Romney's current choice of Hillary over Trump, how much better off would we have been with him, rather than 4 more years of Obama?
To see how Trump would actually lead, I would challenge you to look at those with whom he has surrounded himself: Pence; Carson; Huckabee; Giuliani; Christie; Gingrich; Palin; trusted generals; law enforcement officials; border patrol officials; evangelical leaders of all races; and otherwise, ethical, conservative leaders. What does this tell us? It is probably the greatest indicator of who Trump now is, clearly making the case that he has changed his moral ways over the past 10 years, as he claims. I personally believe he has changed. I also believe God has gripped his heart for the nation, and is in the process of further transforming Mr. Trump. God has certainly allowed him to be humbled. Of course, the statements made by Trump on the video released from 2005 were despicable. However, if we reject him because of the sins of his past, we would also have to reject Abraham, King David, Rahab, "the woman at the well", Mary Magdeline—all adulterers in their unrighteous past. And don't forget murderers like the Apostle Paul. A lot of formerly despicable people will be in heaven! And a lot of them, by the way, became great leaders and champions for God. Some changed the world.
These associations also tell us that Trump's stated conservative bent is genuine, and they state that he is wise enough to know what he doesn't know! I believe Trump is showing us that he will function, if elected president, as any wise businessperson does: find qualified people who know how to get the job done, as in the above examples, and empower them to do it. I like those whom he is signaling to us would be those leaders. They are proven, trustworthy and honorable. If you cannot vote for Trump, vote for them.
Hillary, on the other hand, would give us 4–8 more years of polytheists, liberal progressives, media elites, police-haters, global statists, financially irresponsible leaders and a weak military.
Perhaps a better way for the disenchanted to approach this election is to vote AGAINST someone. I would suggest to you that voting against a candidate is a good reason to vote! "Neutrality" is not a valid option at this critical crossroads in history. The times demand that we make a stand! If not for, make your stand against:
  • Vote against the foolish, selfish, shortsighted, establishment Republicans fighting to maintain their power.
  • Vote against an immoral, ungodly Democratic Party. (To those who take issue with this characterization, don't forget that they booed God at their convention in 2012.)[4]
  • Vote against an unelected, unaccountable, overreaching, out of control Judiciary that believes it has the right to reshape America.
  • Vote against the unethical, biased, lying and untrustworthy media. (We will never reclaim America until we reject their influence. They may be the single greatest obstacle to America's recovery.)
  • Vote against a weakened military.
  • Vote against a loss of national sovereignty and a one-world government.
  • Vote against open borders.
  • Vote against policies that enable radical Islamist terrorism.
  • Vote against the removing of our 2nd Amendment rights.
  • Vote against higher taxes.
  • Vote against Obamacare.
  • Vote against the redefining of marriage. (It is not too late to reverse this.)
  • Vote against abortion-on-demand, partial-birth abortion, and Planned Parenthood with its selling of babies' body parts.
  • Vote against liberalism and progressivism.
  • Vote against the silencing of the church. (Only the totally naïve do not see this coming quickly.)
  • Vote against revising our history and the loss of our Judeo-Christian heritage.
  • Vote against the politicization and exploitation of racism, and the polarizing of America.
  • Vote against the slandering and weakening of law-enforcement.
  • Vote against the politicization of the Justice Department, the FBI and other important departments of government. (Both departments are now undeniably and shamelessly used for political purposes and to oppose Christians and conservatives.)
Pastors, if you've ever made a stand, make one now—it may be your last chance. Tell your people the truth…clearly. Pray and fast! Turn your services into prayer meetings.
To all believers, if you agree with what I have written, forward it to all of your friends and family members. Most of them hear only from a hypocritical, lying media, which is now the propaganda arm of the liberal agenda. Speak up. Appeal to them to read this and think about it.
And vote!
Vote for a future, one that includes what you love and believe in. Trump has flaws, but Hillary will be fatal.
Dutch Sheets
[1] Treasury Direct. "Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual 2000-2015." Last updated June 8, 2016.
[2] Wolfgang, Ben. "Clinton admitted she's for 'open borders' in paid, private speech: WikiLeaks." The Washington Times. October 8, 2016.
[3] Vogel, Kenneth P. and Isenstadt, Alex. "RNC TV ad spending for Trump: $0." Politico. October 13, 2016.
[4] Murashko, Alex. "DNC: Christian leaders comment on night 'Dems booed God." The Christian Post. September 7, 2012.
Copyright © 2016 Dutch Sheets Ministries, All rights reserved.

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Yard Signs & GOTV - AGENDA Newsletter-November 2016

Please Help Our Grassroots Efforts!
Please click on the following link to make a secure online credit card donation
to the efforts of the NOVA GOP PAC.

James Parmelee, Chairman - * * * November 2016
An e-mail & fax newsletter for GOP Activists
To subscribe or unsubscribe contact
* Do You Want a Meals Tax?
* TV - 40+ cable systems serving 1,000,000+ homes!
* Mark Your Calendars Now - Upcoming GOP events - (for an almost daily update of this events list, bookmark and go to

Yard Signs & GOTV

* CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - YARD SIGNS & GOTV - Candidate Yard Signs are available along with Anti-Fairfax County Meals Tax signs! How can you get them? Please contact your local GOP committee today for signs, Get Out The Vote (GOTV) activities, sample ballots and more. For a big list of links, please go to If the link to your city or county GOP committee is not listed there, please click on the Republican Party of Virginia link or call them at (804) 780-0111.

Also, if you are not sure where your polling place is, we have a "WHERE TO VOTE!" link at If you are interested in campaign and other events, we have some listed below in the calendar and please check our events list at

Please consider forwarding this important information to interested friends and remind them to VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Yours for Republican (and ANTI-TAX!) Victory,
James Parmelee - President - Republicans United for Tax Relief
Chairman - NOVA GOP PAC

* DO YOU WANT A MEALS TAX? - The 2016 general election ballot in Fairfax County includes a proposal that could result in a 4% tax on top of the regular 6% sales tax on prepared food and beverages. That is a total tax of TEN PERCENT. If you want to help send the word to our elected officials that TAXES ARE TOO HIGH, please go to where we will have information on the Anti-Meals Tax effort posted through Election Day, November 8, 2016. Also, please tell your friends!

* LOCAL CONSERVATIVE TV! - NOVA GOP TV is hosted by James Parmelee on 40+ cable systems including… ALEXANDRIA: Comcast-Ch.69 every Sun.@8:30 PM. ARLINGTON: Comcast-Ch.69 & Verizon-Ch.38 every Mon.@11 AM & Tue.@7:30 PM. Also on Verizon-Ch.10 every Mon.@12 AM, Tue.@11:30 AM & Thurs.@7 PM. FAIRFAX CITY: Cox-Ch.10, Cox-Ch.810 & Verizon-Ch.10 every Mon.@12 AM, Tue.@11:30 AM & Thurs.@7 PM. FAIRFAX COUNTY: Cox-Ch.10, Cox-Ch.810 & Verizon-Ch.10 every Mon.@12 AM, Tue.@11:30 AM & Thurs.@7 PM. FALLS CHURCH: Cox-Ch.11, RCN-Ch.2 & Verizon-Ch.35 every Sun.@9:30 AM, Tue.@11:30 AM & Wed.@4:30 PM. Also on Cox-Ch.10, Cox-Ch.810 & Verizon-Ch.10 every Mon.@12 AM, Tue.@11:30 AM & Thurs.@7 PM. FREDERICKSBURG, STAFFORD & SPOTSYLVANIA: Cox-Ch. 25 & Verizon-Ch.43, times rotate. LEESBURG & LOUDOUN: Verizon-Ch.10 every Mon.@12 AM, Tue.@11:30 AM & Thurs.@7 PM. PRINCE WILLIAM, MANASSAS & MANASSAS PARK: Comcast-Ch.2 every Mon.@7 PM. Also on Verizon-Ch.10 every Mon.@12 AM, Tue.@11:30 AM & Thurs.@7 PM. RESTON: Comcast-Ch.28 every Sat.@Noon & Mon.@7 PM. Also on Comcast-Ch.10 & Verizon-Ch.10 every Mon.@12 AM, Tue.@11:30 AM & Thurs.@7 PM. WASHINGTON DC: Comcast-Ch.95, RCN-Ch.10 & Verizon-Ch.10, times rotate. RICHMOND, CHESTERFIELD, HENRICO, HANOVER, ASHLAND, GOOCHLAND, POWHATAN & LOUISA: Comcast-Ch.95 & Verizon-Ch.36 (Comcast-Ch.17 & Verizon-Ch.27 in Chesterfield), times rotate on these 8 systems. ONLINE STREAMING: Every Mon.@11 AM & Tue.@7:30 PM at and times rotate at (schedule at Times & stations subject to change. For more information on NOVA GOP TV, call (703) 502-0161.

GOP CALENDAR (for more events go to

Do you know of an event our 30,000+ subscribers should know about? Let us know at (703) 502-0161 or NOTE: Some event details may change after publication, so we recommend you check before attending.

10/26 - 70th Annual Vienna Halloween Parade - Marching w/GOP local candidates & more - Call: (703) 766-4GOP.

10/29 - Second Amendment Forum & Book Signing w/David Keene, Author, Shall Not be Infringed: The New Assaults on Your Second Amendment - 11 AM-1 PM, NOVA Armory, 2300 N. Pershing Drive, #2b, Arlington. Call: (703) 566-2814.

10/29 - Asian-Americans for Trump Rally - 2-4 PM, Pender Professional Center, 3901 Fair Ridge Drive, Fairfax. FREE, light refreshments will be served. Call: (703) 919-4370.

10/31 - Leesburg Halloween Parade - Marching w/GOP local candidates & more - Ida Lee Park. Call: (703) 627-LCRC.

11/3 - Alexandria GOP Committee Meeting - 7:30 PM, Minnie Howard School, 3801 W. Braddock Road, Alexandria. Call: (571) 281-7042.

11/5 - "Road to Richmond" Political Roundtable - 10:30-11:30 AM, NOVA GOP PAC Chairman James Parmelee debates Dems live on Fairfax Cox Cable Channel 10. Also airs tape delayed on other stations across NOVA.

11/5 - NOVA GOP TV Taping - for more information, call (703) 502-0161.

11/8 - Election Day - 6 AM-7 PM, Please don't forget to vote!

11/8 - Election Night Parties - 7 PM, many are being planned, please check for updates.

11/12 - Mason Magisterial District (Fairfax County) GOP Committee Breakfast - 8:30-9:30 AM, Magill's Famous Pizza & Buffet, 7201 Little River Turnpike, Annandale. $10. Call: (703) 766-4467.

11/16 - Republican Women of Clifton Meeting - 7-9 PM, Fairview Elementary School, 5815 Ox Road, Fairfax Station.

11/16 - Arlington County GOP Committee Meeting - 7:30 PM, NRECA Center, 4301 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington. Call: (703) 685-2488.

11/17 - Bull Run Republican Women's Club Meeting - Call: (703) 975-2356

11/17 - Fairfax City GOP Committee Meeting - The Old Firestation #3, 3988 University Drive, Fairfax.

11/17 - Liberty Republican Women's Club Meeting - 7 PM, Sully Government Center, 4900 Stonecroft Boulevard, Chantilly.

12/TBA - Christmas and Holiday Parties - For an updated list of parties, please see our online calendar at

12/1 - Alexandria GOP Committee Meeting - 7:30 PM, Minnie Howard School, 3801 W. Braddock Road, Alexandria. Call: (571) 281-7042.

12/3 - "Road to Richmond" Political Roundtable - 10:30-11:30 AM, NOVA GOP PAC Chairman James Parmelee debates Dems live on Fairfax Cox Cable Channel 10. Also airs tape delayed on other stations across NOVA.

12/3 - NOVA GOP TV Taping - for more information, call (703) 502-0161.

12/9-12/10 - 33rd Annual Republican Party of Virginia "Donald W. Huffman Advance" - Richmond. Call: (804) 780-0111.

12/10 - Mason Magisterial District (Fairfax County) GOP Committee Breakfast - 8:30-9:30 AM, Magill's Famous Pizza & Buffet, 7201 Little River Turnpike, Annandale. $10. Call: (703) 766-4467.

12/15 - Fairfax City GOP Committee Meeting - The Old Firestation #3, 3988 University Drive, Fairfax.

12/15 - Liberty Republican Women's Club Meeting w/a representative from Fisher House - 7 PM, Sully Government Center, 4900 Stonecroft Boulevard, Chantilly.

1/11 - Virginia General Assembly Convenes - Richmond.

2/20 - Alexandria George Washington Birthday Parade - 1-3 PM, to march with the Alexandria GOP, please meet at Noon at the staging area, for details please call (703) 823-1801.

2/22-2/25 - 44th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) - Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, 201 Waterfront Street, National Harbor, MD. Call: (202) 347-9388.

3/4 - Alexandria St. Patrick's Day Parade - Noon-2 PM, to march with the Alexandria GOP, please meet at Noon at the staging area, for details please call (703) 823-1801.

5/2 - Election Day for City and Town Offices - To help the GOP, call (804) 780-0111.

5/6 - 17th Annual NOVA GOP PAC Kentucky Derby Day Fundraiser - Call: (703) 502-0161.

5/20 - McLean Day - 11 AM-5 PM, Lewinsville Park, 1659 Chain Bridge Road, McLean. Volunteers needed for the GOP booth.

6/9-6/11 - Celebrate Fairfax - Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax. Volunteers needed at the Fairfax County GOP booth. Call: (703) 766-4GOP.

7/4 - Independence Day - Daytime Parades & Evening Fireworks - Many campaigns will be looking for volunteers to hand out literature, participate in floats, etc. For details, call your local campaigns and/or check out our updated list at

7/4 - Leesburg Independence Day Parade - Marching w/local candidates & more - 9 AM (parade at 10 AM), Ida Lee Recreation Center, 60 Ida Lee Drive, Leesburg. Call: (703) 627-LCRC.

7/4 - Dale City Independence Day Parade - Marching w/local candidates & more - 9 AM (parade at 10 AM), Dale City Boys & Girls Club, 5070 Dale Boulevard, Dale City. Call: (703) 680-7388.

7/4 - Fairfax City Independence Day Parade - Marching w/local candidates & more - 9:30 AM (parade at 10 AM), Massey Building. Call: (703) 352-1337.

7/4 - The Leadership Institute's Conservative Soirée - Bull Run Regional Park, Centreville. Call: (703) 247-2000.

7/8 - USA & Alexandria Birthday Celebration - 7 PM (fireworks 9:30 PM), Oronoco Bay Park, 100 Madison Street, Alexandria. To volunteer at the Alexandria GOP booth, call (571) 969-4467.

7/11-7/15 - Fauquier County Fair - Fauquier County Fairgrounds, 6209 Old Auburn Road, Warrenton. Volunteers needed at the GOP booth. Call: (540) 729-0265.

7/24-7/29 - Loudoun County Fair - 17758 Dry Mill Road, Leesburg. Volunteers needed for the Loudoun County GOP. Call: (703) 627-5272.

8/11-8/19 - Prince William County Fair - Manassas. Volunteers needed for the Prince William County GOP. Call: (703) 680-7388.

9/5 - Arlington Civic Federation Candidates Night Debate - Virginia Hospital Center, 1701 N. George Mason Drive, Arlington. Call: (703) 685-2488.

9/9-9/10 - Burke Centre Festival - Burke Centre Conservancy Festival Grounds, 6060 Burke Centre Parkway. Volunteers needed at the GOP booth. Call: (703) 766-4GOP.

9/TBA - 21st Annual NOVA GOP PAC Monday Night Football Fundraiser - Call: (703) 502-0161.

9/16 - Haymarket Day - Volunteers needed for the Prince William County GOP. Call: (703) 680-7388.

We hope you enjoyed this issue of The Northern Virginia GOP AGENDA. Published by Parmelee Associates. Paid for in part and authorized by Northern Virginia Republican Political Action Committee, a nonprofit not affiliated with national, state or local GOP committees. Not authorized by a candidate. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for questions, please contact or call (703) 502-0161. Feel free to forward this and/or send us e-mail addresses or fax numbers for those you think would want a FREE subscription.

We hope you enjoyed this issue of The Northern Virginia GOP AGENDA. Newsletter disclaimer: Published by Parmelee Associates. Paid for in part and authorized by Northern Virginia Republican Political Action Committee, a nonprofit not affiliated with national, state or local GOP committees. Not authorized by a candidate. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for questions, please contact or call (703) 502-0161. Feel free to forward this and/or send us e-mail addresses or fax numbers for those you think would want a FREE subscription. Fundraising disclaimer: Paid for & authorized by Northern Virginia Republican Political Action Committee, a nonprofit not affiliated with national, state or local GOP committees. Not authorized by a candidate. Contributions not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporate contributions will be deposited in our state account. Federal law requires PACs to report name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year (VA reporting level is contributions aggregate in excess of $100 in a calendar year).

Saturday, October 22, 2016

October Update: FOIA Submitted! Refugee Resettlement 

October Update: FOIA Submitted! Refugee Resettlement��
Update! FOIA Submitted Monday Oct 17th and Accepted

FOIA effort update and good news!  

Thanks to our Virginian support partners, I submitted the FOIA on Monday the 17th and received a prompt response that none of the information requested is exempt from disclosure; therefore full reports and contracts will be collected and provide to us.  Due to the large number of records requested, an additional seven working days is needed.  The documents are promised to us on or before November 2nd.  We are documenting the progress and hope to provide a detailed step by step to our readers should anyone desire to do their own FOIA.  This is our second FOIA on the issue of Refugee Resettlement but my first one.  Paula did the first one.

Most of you are probably focusing your time and resources on the upcoming election, but for those who have any money to spare, can you help us hit our goal this month?  We are short and to process the documents from the FOIA, we will need your help.

Our minimal funding need for October is $500   see donation thermometer on the website for our progress

Contribute $75.00 and more, and we will mail to you two free books that will jump-start your education on this important issue.


Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America By Ann Corcoran
The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America By James Simpson

Please support our efforts so we can move forward.

Please consider: 
or mail a check payable to Virginia Free Citizen
Virginia Free Citizen 
2711 Buford Road
Suite 105
Richmond, VA 23235

Thank you for anything you can give today and call me anytime, would love to hear from you.

Jeff Bayard 804-869-4485
Virginia Free Citizen
Resource Page: Virginia Free Citizen Watch

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This email was sent by: The Virgina Free Citizen, 2711 Buford Road, Suite 105, Richmond, VA 23235

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

on my way

I wanted to make sure you got this email below from my sister Caity. As soon as I get off work tonight I am headed to our Route 7 campaign office in Sterling to knock on doors. We have a fantastic group of volunteers and interns supporting my mom's campaign, but we have to make sure we have the necessary funding. The final FEC filing deadline of the entire campaign is at midnight tonight, here is the link:
Sincerely, Peter Comstock
Team Comstock,
Volunteers like Rachel are stepping forward every day and devoting their precious time to help my mom's campaign in our critical last 20 days. We have to fund our grassroots campaign plan in order to continue our door to door efforts. Every day we are canvassing neighborhoods and highlighting my mom's record of accomplishments to voters like you in Yorktown.  At midnight TONIGHT- that's in just 14 short hours- marks the final FEC fundraising deadline of the entire campaign. Will you support my mom, Barbara Comstock, with an immediate contribution to help see us to victory? Here is the secure link:

Sincerely, Caity Comstock

Letter: Rachel Tao, Sterling

Editor: I'm really proud to be represented in the U.S. House by the first woman elected to the 10th District, Barbara Comstock. She has a strong record of supporting women in all aspects of business, health and education as well as the mentorship of middle and high schoolers. This is why I was truly disgusted to see the misleading commercial her opponent, LuAnn Bennett, put on television implying that Rep. Comstock has worked against women's interests on the issue of equal pay.

The fact is that Barbara Comstock has championed the cause for equal opportunities for women throughout her entire career. Just this year, she was awarded the 2016 Leadership Award by The Women's Center, a non-profit organization in Vienna providing financial, legal, career and mental health counseling for women. In 2013 as a State Delegate, she established a Young Leadership Program which has provided mentorship to hundreds of young women by introducing them to inspiring women in business and science and encouraging them to pursue careers in these fields. She has continued to host this program across our District while in Congress. Barbara has no wage gap in her office and actually pays women, on average, more than men, and she has women in charge of her office, while LuAnn just pays women 85 cents on the dollar and has men in charge of her campaign. Barbara's record is part of a long record of supporting working women.

LuAnn Bennett doesn't appear to be aware of what goes on in Virginia's 10th District. We, the women who have put down roots here, support Barbara Comstock's work in Congress. When we see her opponent's misleading ads, we know better. Lu Ann Bennett should know better, too.

Rachel Tao, Sterling

Read Article Here.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies
Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

  Subscribers to our newsletter will receive the video series as they come out.  Sending this first one as a Special Alert.  Please forward to EVERYONE you know! 

In this explosive new video from Project Veritas Action, a Democratic dirty tricks operative unwittingly provides a dark money trail to the DNC and Clinton campaign. The video documents violence at Trump rallies that is traced to the Clinton campaign and the DNC through a process called birddogging.

A shady coordinated communications chain between the DNC, Clinton Campaign, Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC (Priorities) and other organizations are revealed. A key Clinton operative is on camera saying, “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this m*%f#@r.”




Jeff Bayard  
Virginia Free Citizen
Resource Page: Virginia Free Citizen Watch

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Monday, October 17, 2016

Gov. Bob McDonnell reception supporting Marty Williams

96th District, Virginia House of Delegates                                      September 23, 2016

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Mailing Address 
P.O. Box 196
Norge, VA 23127
Phone: 757-223-9690
Legislative Aide
Amanda Johnston
Please join me in supporting my friend, Marty Williams* for Congress! Marty is chairman of the planning commission in Chesapeake and a 25 year veteran of the police force. He will make an outstanding representative for Virginia's 3rd Congressional District.

*no relation to former Senator Marty Williams

Please RSVP to Ann Kirwin at or 757-675-1876, or simply respond to this email.  Checks may be made out to Marty Williams for Congress and mailed to:

Marty Williams for Congress
P.O. Box 66166
Virginia Beach, VA 23466
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Brenda L. Pogge

Paid for and Authorized by Brenda Pogge for Delegate
Brenda Pogge for Delegate, P.O. Box 196, Norge, VA 23127
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